The Note

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"Hazard, what note show us and where did you find it?" Luxa asked

"Well Maggie and I went back to her room to look for clues and I found this note." Hazard said

"Where is Maggie?!?" I ask about to panic

"She is in Luxa's room." Hazard reassures me

"Actual I will go get her."

Hazard handed a note to Luxa and it read:

I have taken Lizzie to Jungle and plan to take her to the cave were the Warrior killed the Bane. If the Warrior does not come in 3 days' time not only will Lizzie fall but the Queen as well,

"I have to save Liz!!"I say as I try to run out the door, but Luxa catches my hand and says 

"Gregor, you need a plan!"

"Like Ripred says "You got a plan?" Maggie says

"Matter of fact on my way back with Maggie, we saw him, but he said something strange in gnawer." Hazard said

"That was not Ripred it was his brother Gashgore and do you know what he said Hazard?" I asked but Maggie said

"HA, I told you it was not Ripred he didn't have his X on his face!"

"Well, fine but Gashgore said something about him not wanting us to find Ripred and that he should not have told an Overlander and the Queen about Ripred." Hazard said

"Well, he also said something about a flier." Maggie said

"Thats why you talk to the wall because there are rats, and do you know the fliers name?" I said

"Rats in the walls aren't they to big?" Luxa asked

 "In the Overland they are small." I say

"I heard the name it was umm A-ares." Maggie says she was about to say something else but I pass out.

"Gregor! Gregor!" I hear Luxa call then it all goes black.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is so late, but I made the first version late at night and I half-did it so I redid it in detail and cut some parts that WILL be in the next chapter I promise so enjoy the new and improved chapter.

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