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Just a heads up the chapters marked with * have mature content in them

Y/n POV:

As I walk through the doors of Ms. Romanoff's building, one of the most well known, richest business woman in the world. I can't help but feel anxious. My heart is pounding in my chest, my hands are clammy and to my dismay, as much as I'm trying my best to look like I have a purpose here, it is obvious that I don't belong.

I walk up to the front desk as I try to grab the secretary's attention "um excuse me?" No answer.

"Excuse me miss" I speak a bit louder this time finally catching her attention. The young women looks up at me "what can I do for you sweetie" she asks, almost to kind that it sounds fake.

"Im here on behalf of the Times Weekly newspaper to interview Ms. Romanoff" I say as calmly as possible

"Oh! I heard about you coming, Anna Brown correct? She questions

"Um no, actually my names Y/n Steele, Anna couldn't make it today so I'm her replacement."  She looks at me with a slightly puzzled look before directing me to Ms. Romanoff's office.

"You can just wait on one of those chairs and she'll let you in when she's ready." She directs me before walking off, leaving my still anxious self on my lonesome.

About 5 mins pass before I hear a sultry voice from the other side of the door tell me to come in.

Well I guess here goes nothing I think to myself before pushing the large glass doors open, curious as to what's to come.

Before we get on with what's to come, your probably wondering about my back story and how I even got myself into this situation.

First of all, yes my real name is Y/n Steele. However, I am not a reporter for the Times Weekly, my best friend on the other hand Anna Brown is.

Earlier that day
I hear my phone start to ring as I very tiredly reach my hand over to my night stand "hello?" I answer the phone with my groggy morning voice.

"Y/n! Oh thank goodness your awake" I hear on the other end of the line, who is non other than my closest and only friend Anna.

"Anna what the hell do you want?" I ask with a bit of annoyance in my voice, as I check the time. "It's 5 in the morning!" By now I'm slightly more awake, but also deeply confused as to why she's calling me.

"I need you to come over asap, pretty please." She pleads.

"What, why? Can't you just tell me on the phone?" I ask

"No. I need you to come over right now and I'll fill you in once you get here." "Oh! And look decently presentable. K byeee" she shouts before hanging up the phone on me. What is her deal

Don't get me wrong I love Anna with my whole heart, but when she calls me out of the blue and begs me to come over at 5 in the morning I have every right to be slightly confused and annoyed. I'm not a morning person as you can see.

"Anna I'm not even a real reporter!" I shout at my best friend who is curled up in her bed half asleep.

"Y/n you'll be fine. All you have to do is take this list of questions and read through them to Ms. Romanoff" I stay quiet, standing at the edge of her bed dreading for what's to come.

"Please, I really need you to do this for me. I mean I would but I'm sick and wouldn't be let anywhere near her office in this state. If you don't do this my job will be on the line." She pleads half asleep.

I sigh "Fine" I reluctantly agree. "Yay, your the best." Anna cheerfully says

As I go grab the list from her and start to get ready to go she stops me in my tracks "By any chance do you have more suitable clothes to wear." She politely questions.

"No this is the only thing I brought, I mean how was I supposed to know you wanted me to interview someone." I say slightly frazzled

"You know what, it's fine. You have a cute face and that's all that matters. Now go before your late." She says as I rush out the door.

Present time
So here I am finally at Romanoff Institute. Waiting outside her office in blue jeans and a lower cut white blouse. If I had more heads up from Anna I would've dressed better.

"Come in." I hear someone say from the other side of the intimidatingly large doors.

With a final reassuring sigh, I push open the glass doors and enter the room.

Yay first chapter of the book done. I hope you all like it so far.

Quick note, the book isn't totally gonna be based off of fifty shades of grey and so the storyline will differ. But I hope you all continue reading.

Have a good day!

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