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Much to my dismay my alarm clock went off the next morning and in that moment I would've rather died than have to get up for the day that awaits me.

I already felt a headache coming on from the drinks the previous night and I knew that I was just too mentally exhausted to have to deal with Romanoff today. Although I was debating just calling in, I knew that I needed this job and considering me and Natasha were on strictly coworker terms now, I knew I should try my best to get back on her good side.

"Morning" Wanda greeted me as I walked into the building giving her the best smile I could muster up considering I felt like shit.

"Romanoffs in a meeting right now but she'll be in her office shortly if you wanted to see her."

"Thanks Wanda"

I mentally tried giving myself a pep talk in the elevator ride up to her floor knowing I needed whatever confidence I could get.

I took a seat at my desk outside of Romanoffs office as I counted down the minutes until she would walk right past me. I couldn't help my leg that bounced up and down with anxiousness or the firm grip I had on my lip between my teeth as I felt my entire body radiating with nerves. It's just Romanoff why am I shitting my pants.

I heard the doors ding open and I was bracing myself for when I had to meet those emerald green eyes.

However instead it was someone else who almost made me feel even more sick in that moment. I would have rather talked to Romanoff.

"Y/n!" He hustled down the hallway coming closer to me.

"Paul?" The words barely left my mouth as I felt my heart thumping in my chest. I needed to get out of here.

I abruptly stood up out of my desk trying to find another exit down the empty hallway. There was nobody who could help me right now not even Romanoff.

"Leave me alone." I stated rather aggressively as I tried finding the door that lead to a stair case.

"Y/n please, what I did wasn't right I just miss seeing you." He begged for my forgiveness with pleading eyes as he drew closer to my distant body. I was trying my best to keep a safe distance between us not knowing what he was capable of anymore.

"P-Paul it's fine I just have to get back to work." I tried waving him off hoping he'd take that as forgiveness and leave me alone.

I quickly pushed open the exit doors and scurried down the empty staircase.

"Y/n!" His voice echoed down inflicting more fear inside me as I carefully made my way down to the lobby floor. If I could just make it there then I'd be safe, there's more witnesses, more people who could protect me. I didn't know where Romanoff was but I knew she wouldn't be able to find me anytime soon.

"Don't walk away from me!" His voice was angrier this time I felt as if I couldn't breathe properly as all I felt was fear flood through my veins.

I didn't even bother to reply anymore just trying to get out of there. I could hear his footsteps gain on me as they loudly raddled down each floor.

I had just made it to the exit but my hand was pulled away from the exit as my whole body flew back from Paul's grip on my wrist. I yelped as I was slammed against the wall, my hands trembling in fear. "P-please" I breathed out trying to figure out how I could escape his grasp and walk through the lobby door.

"Now" his voice got chillingly softer as he stroked the side of my face where tears began to fall. "Why don't you just shut up and let me apologize, you see I miss you Y/n"

"Let me go!" I managed to elbow him letting his grip on me loosen.

"Bitch" he gritted through his teeth before I felt a hard slap across my face. "We were meant to be together! Well that was until you had to go and fuck it up."

I was on high alert, my face was searing with pain, my ears ringing and just a few feet away I could spot the exit.

"Okay I'm sorry" I held my hands out trying to calm the entire situation down. "I was being dumb and naive, your right what I did was wrong and maybe I wasn't seeing what was right in front of me." I tried to keep him distracted as I took a couple steps over.

"See now your listening." He had a hopeful glint in his eyes which made a shiver go down my spine. I reached behind me feeling the handle to the door.

I pulled it open as quick as possible as he leaped for me with fear written across his features knowing I was leaving his grasp. "Get back here!" He reached for me which I quickly dodged slipping out of the staircase and through the exit doors.

I was met with a hallway which lead to the lobby and I quickly ran down it, hearing as the staircase door opened again signaling Paul was close behind.

I didn't even look behind to check if he was near as I was finally met with an open area flooded with many business people as my heart was racing and I was breathing heavily.

"W-Wanda" I mumbled trying to look around for her. She wasn't at the desk which flooded me with disappointment as I tried to find anyone who would help me.

I frantically walked over to the elevator as I clicked the button waiting for the doors to open. Through the corner of my eye I could see Paul nearing me.

Floor 3



The doors dinged open right as he grabbed a hold of my wrist. I winced trying to pull away before we were both interrupted.

"Y/n?" I looked up with tears in my eyes as Wanda and Natasha stood in the elevator as the doors opened.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Natasha stormed out pushing Paul to the floor as Wanda quickly called security.

I stood there trembling in shock not really knowing what I should do in that moment. My breath caught in my throat as concerned green eyes finally looked over at my broken body that stood before her.

"H-he, I-I don't" I shook my head trying to form a reasonable sentence.

"You little bitch!" Paul shouted as he was dragged away by two guards. "I'll be back Y/n, I'm gonna come find you and you won't be protected next time!" His voice quickly became an echo down the hall as he disappeared and all eyes were eventually on me. Our little commotion had caused a scene grabbing many peoples attention that were all staring at me. I just needed air and I needed to get out of the crowded building as everything felt muffled.

I quickly left Natasha, Wanda and the other witnesses as I walked out of the building breathing in the city air as cars whipped past down the sidewalk. I tried wiping some tears that fell as I tried to calm my breathing. I was overwhelmed with multiple feelings. I felt relieved that Paul was gone, I felt anxious at the fact everyone saw what had happened and most of all I felt scared of what I was going to tell Romanoff.

A gentle hand grabbing my arm was what released me from my trance as I jumped at the action. My body was spun around and met with a comforting embrace. After noticing familiar red locks I buried my head into Romanoffs soft chest finally feeling secure again.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now