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"Y/n you have to get up the office is about to open" I had still thought I was dreaming so I mumble incoherently before shoving my face into my mattress. Or at least what I thought was my mattress until all I could smell was cold leather. What the hell was I sleeping on?

"Y/n get up I'm going to unlock the doors." I heard clicking against the marble floor as they echoed father and father away. My eyes fluttered open slowly once it was silent again and that's when I awoke to Romanoffs office.

Hold up.

It was then that I notice a blazer draped around me, had she done that?

I quickly sat up forgetting I had taken a 'nap' last night. Did she stay here all night with me? I looked at my reflection in the glass window as I tried to fix my appearance. I pulled my hair in a pony since it was frizzy and slipped on my heels. I was still in my clothing from yesterday but I hoped nobody would notice. I took off my own light blazer leaving me in a button up blouse and dress pants. You know for someone who had just woken up at work I would say I still looked pretty good. I stole a breath mint from Romanoffs desk as I walked over to my own just outside of Romanoffs office.

"Oh good your finally awake." She greeted me as she dropped a stack of papers on my desk, a very large one to be precise.

"What are all these?" My eyes scanned over the intimidatingly large pile as Romanoff stood up crossing her arms. "The Danvers administration across the street has an overflow of employees so I offered to take some of their best ones."

"And these....

"These are the list of resumes that I need you to go through" she finished my sentence as I just stared at the tall white stack. "Okay." I breathed out trying not to show how much I was dreading my job today.

"Once your done that you can go home, so if you finish early you'll have some time off today."

"Oh thanks" she nodded before walking off. Romanoff was giving me time off, that was a first, I mean it was odd but I'm not complaining. My excitement started dying down once I remembered I still had to go through all these resumes. Great.

"You wanna go out for lunch with some us?" Wanda asked me taking a seat on my desk eyeing all the papers sprawled around the surface.

"I can't" I sighed. "If I finish all this before the end of the day I get some time off tonight which I could really use."

"Wow Romanoff giving you time off that's a first. Well I'll leave you to it then."

I gave her a quick bye before I heard her voice again. "Is that the same shirt you wore yesterday?" She eyed me suspiciously.


Her eyes bugged out of her head "you were here all night?!"

"Yeah Romanoff wouldn't let me leave."

She gave me a look as to say I feel sorry for you which I waved off.

232 resumes overlooked and I was finally finished. I check the clock reading 4:15 as I internally jumped for joy. I made my way over to Romanoffs door making sure to knock this time before I walked in with a cheery smile.

"Alright here are the approved resumes may I go now?" She looked almost impressed that I was able to finish them all in such a short period of time. Almost as if she underestimated my abilities. "Yeah thank you Ms Steele." I nodded before turning swiftly on my heels and leaving the office.

Natasha's Pov:
"Did I underestimate Y/n, maybe just a little. As much as I was proud at the fact she was able to finish looking through all those resumes I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed knowing I was gonna have to stay at the office by myself again. I know maybe the girl wasn't overly fond of me but I really did enjoy her company at the office even if it meant she was constantly complaining.

Y/n Pov:
"Let's go for drinks!" Anna popped her head into my room after I had invited her over knowing I hadn't seen her in awhile.

"Like a bar?"

"Yes please it'll be so much fun." She looked like she was practically begging me as she jutted her lip out.

"Alright fine quit your whining" I laughed before we both got ready.

As much as I was planning on having a day in with Anna and some wine, I guess going out for some drinks wouldn't be too bad.

"I still can't believe Paul did something like that." We had arrived at the bar and we're sipping on some beverages as I filled Anna in on everything that's happened since I last saw her. Of course I didn't mention the part about screwing my boss, knowing I wasn't gonna share that information with anyone else since it was kinda looked down upon in the business world.

Alright so maybe we had too much to drink as we were now slumped at the bar.

"I'm glad we did this." Anna glanced over at me her words slurring as she spoke.

"Yeah I miss you." My words weren't really slurring together as Anna's were considering she did have way more than me, but I still felt fuzzy enough to know I wasn't thinking straight.

"I've been so stressed at work recently with Romanoff and everything so this is helping a lot."

"Why your not liking your job?" Of course I had to go and open my fat mouth talking about the one subject I internally forbid myself not too.

"No I like the job it's just complicated I guess." I excused myself cause I had to pee.

Of course the line up was like thirty people long as I stood in the hall waiting. I was scrolling through my contacts when my name passed Natasha's. Nope I'm not gonna do it. I put my phone away before I did something I'd regret.

I walked out of washroom heading over to Anna to see she was getting ready to leave. "Are you heading out?"

"Yeah I've got an interview early tomorrow morning so I should probably go now, are you staying behind?"

I thought about it.

"Yeah I think I'm gonna have another drink."

I made sure Anna made it into her taxi safely as she said she'd text me when she got home. I made my way back into the bar ordering my last drink.

A few minutes later my phone ended up in my hands and I was again hovering over the call button on Natasha's contact.

"Someone on your mind?" The bartender had made his way over to me after noticing I've ordered my fair share of drinks for the night.

"You could say that." I okaced my phone down on the counter.

"Boyfriend" I shook my head "girlfriend?"

"My boss actually" he gave me a yikes face giving me a drink on the house.

"Your done after that one though." He teased as I gladly accepted the drink.

The glass had just touched my lips as my phone began to buzz on the table. The contact reading Natasha Romanoff making my body jump for a moment.

Fifty Shades of Romanoff Where stories live. Discover now