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"Did you get the presentation ready for the meeting?" Romanoff took a seat beside me mumbling in my ear. I went into full blown panic mode.

"W-what presentation?" I faced her with shock and fear written all over my face. She glared daggers at me "Y/n I have a presentation today and you were supposed to bring it."

Alright so I was about to get fired, this was it I'm done for. I gulped before knowing I had to come clean I almost felt like crying in that moment but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. "I honestly had no idea about the presentation, you didn't mention anything and yesterday I wasn't thinking clearly and work wasn't on my mind...."

My sentence dragged out as I noticed Romanoff started quietly chuckling.

"What's so funny?" I breathed out thinking I was about to get smacked.

"I'm just kidding" she nudged my shoulder.


"Y/n there's no presentation relax, that's not even part of your job." She was finding amusement in her little joke that nearly cost me a therapy session. I was pretty much too stunned to speak as one minute she made me angry and the next I'm basically shitting my pants because she wanted to make a joke.

"You are evil" I huffed turning my back to her as I prepared myself for the boring speech I would have to endure from an old white man. Yippie.

The meeting finished after an hour and I quickly got up and left before Romanoff could even follow. I needed space from her and right now I honestly wanted to quit. This was no way an assistant should be treated and although I hurt her feelings last night I think she needs to grow up and stop being a big baby about it. I mean all day she's basically been torturing me.

"You seem tense." Wanda sat on the edge of my desk as she looked at me concerned. "I am." I placed my head in my hands feeling like shit.

"Maybe you should ask Romanoff if you can leave early? A few of us are going to the bar after work if you wanted to join."

"I really want to go" I looked up pouting at her.

"But..." she started my sentence for me

"But if I leave early Romanoff will most likely kill me on the spot, I need this job and we're not on best terms right now."

"Alright it's fine." Wanda stood up accepting rejection. She was on her way out as I sadly waved bye from a distance. "Save me" is exactly what I wanted to tell her but I knew I had to deal with this myself.

Natasha had actually locked herself in her office the rest of the night and considering we were the only two still here I was aimlessly wandering the halls until I could go home. I had toured the whole basement, ate leftover snacks from the staff room and had attempted to make a tower from paper clips which didn't really work. Anyways to say I was losing my mind would be an understatement.

My foot anxiously tapped on the carpet as I watched the clock hand tick. After one minute it stroke midnight and I didn't even care anymore I was leaving. "I'm leaving!" I yelled out in the direction of her office as I grabbed my coat and turned my back away.

I was waiting for the elevator door to arrive to my floor until the universe decided other plans for me.

"Y/n you can't leave yet." It took everything in me not to walk out the now open elevator door as I instead turned around. "And why the hell not?" I crossed my arms not understanding what she needed from me.

"I just don't want to be alone at the office so just wait around until I'm finished." I scoffed before taking orders and going back to my desk.

"If your tired you can sleep in my office, there's a couch." She suggested motioning me into her office doors.

"You do realize that I could also just go home and sleep in my nice warm bed instead right?."

"Just shut up and come inside im trying to be sympathetic." I dragged my feet past her finding the leather couch as I took my heels off and laid down. Although the thick leather was somewhat cold and had a stale smell to it, I honestly could care less about what I was sleeping on.

It was silent at first as Romanoffs typing on her computer became background noise, my thoughts began to wander as I was already half asleep.

"I'm sorry about earlier when you walked in on us."

"No we're not doing this again, no more apologies and then going back to our weird friendship thing. We're strictly professional so I don't need a damn apology." I rolled over so I was facing the back of the couch away from prying green eyes.

I don't remember much after that besides something comforting being draped over me as I let my eyes drift shut.

Natasha's Pov:
I fucked up.

All my beliefs that love wasn't real had backfired on me once Y/n came into my life. I mean sure we've had some rough patches in our relationship that could use some mending but I knew I didn't want us to be just colleagues anymore.

I had realized the night that I went to Y/n's apartment to apologize but of course I was too late with my apology and instead informed me she was done with me for good.

I can't work, sleep or really function at all without constantly having my assistant on my mind and I knew it was unprofessional and wrong but I truly didn't want to let her go. I mean sure it took me a long ass time to realize it but I really don't want to be in anyone else's presence unless it's hers.

The mishap today with Kelly had been a regretful decision. I had figured that maybe if I attempted to move on from Y/n then I could get back to focusing on my company but with my luck all I could picture was Y/n underneath me instead of Kelly. So of course when she happened to walk in it had officially opened up everything I felt for her and I knew in that moment I wanted her.

I sat at my desk as I typed random nonsense on my keyboard not even paying attention as my eyes only hyper fixated on the sleeping girl in front of me. She looked cold and was deep asleep so I figured I would just camp out here for the night instead. I draped my suit jacket over her as I fell asleep in one of the chairs having the girl on my mind all night.

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