Growing Emotions

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Sorryyyyyyy this chapter is coming out months after my last one I just had to deal with a lot of personal things and with school since I'm graduating High School in a few weeks I either didn't have time to write or just didn't have the motivation but now I managed to pull my life back together so I'll upload more often so hope you guys understand and enjoy today's chapter😊😊

The next morning the Kamaboko squad headed to Tomioka's room worried because he didn't show signs of waking up. Upon entering they saw the young man gently sleeping and beside him was a Shinobu who was sleeping and her eyes filled with tears. A certain crybaby with a yellow Haori then whispered. 'Well isn't Giyuu lucky he has a beautiful girl to look after him oh I'm so jealousssss' as he cried and complained Tanjiro hit him in the neck knocking him out and proceeded to ask Inosuke to go help Aoi ready the breakfast.

As Inosuke left Tanjiro shut the door dragging Zenitsu when Nezuko popped up and said with a beaming"Good Morning big brother"
(She knows she's resistant to the sun at this time). Tanjiro smiles back "Good Morning Nezuko how'd you sleep last night? Food is almost ready so let's go" The girl then followed him and noticed him dragging a boy "I slept like an angel what abou..... Is that Zenitsu?" The Boy laughed and responded "Yep he started making a racket again so I had to silence him" "Oh well he's never gonna change" the siblings made their way to the kitchen and upon arrival were greeted by Kanae.

"Good morning kids did you rest well?" The teens then all answered and sat down. Aoi proceeded to serve everyone their breakfast and as she did Tanjiro told Inosuke "Hey Inosuke, Zenitsu is knocked out cold outside can you do me a favor and wake him up?" The excited boar headed boy nodded and responded "My pleasure Gonpachiro". As Tanjiro sighed upon hearing his name mispronounced Zenitsu was heard yelling outside and he then entered the room alongside a laughing Inosuke. Tanjiro then asked the two boys what had happened and a crying Zenitsu responded "He dropkicked me and started stretching my body until I begged him to stop", Inosuke who was still laughing responded "It's your fault, I asked you nicely and you didn't want to so I did it the hard way you're too weak Monitsu." Just as they were all ready to begin eating a Girl's scream was heard outside. Everyone rushed outside even Kanae and Sanemi and Zenitsu said it had come from the room Tomioka was resting in so everyone rushed in to find an exhausted and half dead Tomioka and a scared and angry Shinobu both blushing like crazy.

Shinobu then yelled at the young man "WHAT WERE YOU DOING TOMIOKA-SAMA? WERE YOU WATCHING ME SLEEP??!!!!. Tomioka who barely had any energy to speak responded "I should ask you the same Kocho I woke up to you resting your head on top of me. The girl responded angrily "I DID NO SUCH THING!!" Zenitsu stepped in saying it was true just to get knocked out by Nezuko, "Sometimes you say to much Zenitsu-kun" as she dragged him away Kanae and Sanemi arrived and Kanae teasingly told Shinobu "Ara ara little sister is this true? I see you finally found interest in a boy but I see it natural for it to be our sweet Giyuu." As she looked at her sister Shinobu who had turned even more red she saw as she pushed Tomioka off the bed and left the room running.

Meanwhile the boys put Tomioka back in bed Genya came out of his room and questioned the boys about the ruckus. The girls had gone out to find Shinobu which was no where to be seen. Kanae and Sanemi went out on a walk to chat for a bit while everything calmed down back at the mansion. Somewhere near a river Shinobu who had poured water on her face and noticing the redness of her face wouldn't go away just sighed and decided to rest a bit on a nearby tree. "That stupid Tomioka, it's his fault for worrying me like that and for being so handsome" as she realized she turned even more red " What am I saying it's not like I like him but he's really hot and the way he saved me he's just, he's just so, so so" the girl was so nervous and anxious to finish her sentence when someone added "Awesome?" Shinobu looked up to see Kanae and Sanemi resting on the tree branches. Kanae flew down and left Sanemi up there who was sleeping. Shinobu then stood up and responded "What? Did you say awesome?" Kanae gave her a teasing smile which flustered Shinobu even more. "Yes I see Giyuu as awesome I mean he's perfect and handsome, he's smart, acts like a gentleman, he may be really quiet but it adds to his charm and everything about him is just perfect." A confused Shinobu then responded "Then why aren't you two dating" Kanae laughs and answers "We see each other as siblings so that would be awkward but I do see some charm in Sanemi. But you my dear sister would be perfect for my sweet Giyuu" Shinobu blushed so hard upon hearing that last part and just as she was going to answer Shinazugawa pops down from the tree and asks the girls if they can go home since it was getting dark and they didn't have their swords with them. The girls nodded and the 3 made their way back to the mansion.

As they arrived they saw Tomioka sitting outside oh a nearby bench just looking at the sky and as he turned around he saw the group and greeted them all "Hello how was your trip?" Sanemi answered "Why do you wanna know? Mind your own business" Kanae was going to scold Sanemi when she saw Giyuu's dull eyes and his saddened expression he had been trying to become good friends with Shinzugawa but he hated him for a reason she doesn't know so she greeted Tomioka and told him she would visit him later as she was dragging Sanemi. Shinobu was just standing there gazing at Tomioka's eyes until she snapped out of her trance greeted and left running to her room. Mitsuri and Obanai then arrived since Kanae had asked her to have some tea with her and stay the night and we'll Obanai had come to check up on his friend. Upon making their way to the gardens they saw a saddened and lonely Tomioka and decided to sit next to him and Mitsuri greeted him along with a hug while Iguro hi fived him. Mitsuri upon noticing Giyuu was upset she decided to ask him "Hey Giyuu what's bothering you?" Tomioka then lifted his head upon hearing those words and tried to brush off the question but Mitsuri insisted that something was bothering him. Tomioka then seeing that Mitsuri won't stop until she got an answer he decided to ask.. "Hey Mitsuri am I not likeable? I've noticed that Sanemi isn't too fond of me same with Muichiro I don't know about Kyoujuro or Tengen since they spend most of their time together training or doing things, Gyomei doesn't talk much either so I don't know how he feels about me. . . I just want to get along with everyone ya know. . ."
Upon both hearing this they were speechless they never knew their friend felt that way.

There was a moment of silence until Obanai spoke up and answered Giyuu's question, " I don't think that they don't like you it's just you give of a loner vibe which I guess irritates Shinazugawa but he also has anger issues so there's that and the rest maybe haven't seen you for the person you really are I bet if they do they'll see you as a great friend." Giyuu looked up at Obanai who even though had his mouth covered with a mask had a visible smile under it, he smiled and thanked Iguro for his words. They then went for a walk before they went to get some Tea with Kanae but little did they know she was eavesdropping on their conversation. She stood up with a sad expression and returned to the kitchen. On Shinobu's side she was still bright red due to the embarrassment she was gazing at Giyuu's eyes so long that she got out on a trance she had never seen eyes so pretty it was as if she was staring at the ocean. Once she calmed down she assessed the situation and started noticing that she really did have feelings for Giyuu but she had to suppress them due to her pride. She then went to sleep hoping that maybe just maybe those feelings would go away.

The next morning everyone was up bright and early except Shinobu who had stayed up a little too late. Once she woke up she was greeted by Giyuu who was sitting outside with Obanai, she greeted Obanai but ignored Giyuu and dashed off, He was confused but decided to brush it off and continued chatting with his friend. On the other hand the girls were in the kitchen making breakfast while Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Kanao decided to train a bit but as always the angry boar spent most of his time provoking the boys and screaming out he was hunger to a point where Aoi got pissed and she came out of the kitchen, gave Inosuke a roundhouse kick thus knocking him out. Zenitsu stared laughing then Aoi gave him the death glare which shut him up. Breakfast time came and shortly after that everyone trained for a bit. Everyone started leaving before sunset everyone but Giyuu had left, Kanae insisted he stayed longer but he decided he needed to go back home since it most likely was a mess since he hadn't been cleaning it up. Kanae finally agreed and just as he was leaving he bid farewell to Kanae and Aoi and stumbled upon Shinobu and Kanao laughing and chatting hear the entrance, he bid them farewell and told Shinobu that her Smile was cute and that she would smile more often. As Tomioka left Shinobu turned bright red and Kanao noticing she teased her older sister, " I see big sister has a crush?" Shinobu upon hearing his got all nervous and started denying but Kanao didn't buy it she teased her sister a bit more then proceeded to leave. Shinobu being flustered and alone started asking herself why she blushed and his face came to her mind she got even more embarrassed and thought


Hopefully this chapter was enjoyable I hope I didn't make too many mistakes if any of you want to see something in particular next chapter please let me know and if I managed to mess up let me know too😊

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