1- Evicted

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(So, idk if this needs a TW or anything but umm...you get kicked out of your house in this. Don't worry! You find a solution quickly!)

I'd been waiting for this for days; I knew it was coming. I had been sulking in my room since the day I lost my job, and my landlord had never been understanding or even polite in the first place. He loved to kick people out, and I knew that the very moment I was late on my rent, he would be joyfully taping an eviction notice to my door. 

And today, I heard the tape rip outside, followed by a knock. 

I didn't even bother opening the door, I just sighed and pulled suitcases and duffle bags from my closet and began to pack up everything I had. I took one more shower and brought my bags downstairs. My landlord practically skipped up to me as I loaded my things into my car. 

"Leaving already, (y/n)? You have a few days"

"Save it, John, I know you want me gone asap. I've heard the stories of you harassing others you've kicked out and shutting off their utilities to get them out sooner" I spat his name out like it was poison. 

He sneered. 

"At least I'm not poor and homeless. You better hope nothing is broken or missing when I go to inspect your apartment, bitch"

I growled as he stomped away and decided to hop in the car and peel out before he could come back and try to frame me for breaking the fridge or something. I tossed the rest of my things in quickly and leapt into the driver seat, starting it up and leaving immediately. As I drove away, I took one more glance at the window that used to be my bedroom. 

I had no idea where I was going yet, I just drove until I got too tired to keep going. Then, a beacon of hope. The sign proclaiming this to be the city limits of my best friend's hometown. I stopped for gas and pulled my phone out as I filled the car, scrolling through my contacts and stabbing my finger at a certain name. It rang for a while, then her groggy voice picked up. 

"Hello? (y/n), what's going on?" she asked, knowing full well I'd never wake her up if something wasn't wrong. I explained my situation and where I was, and she chuckled. I imagined her running her fingers through her honey-colored hair, like she always did when she was thinking. 

"Well...my roommate moved out a week ago. You can have her room. I just ask that you get a job, 'kay?"

I could hear the smile in her voice. I hadn't seen her in months and now she was saying I could move in at my lowest moment. I nearly started to cry.

"Em...you have no idea how much this means to me!"

She laughed, then yawned.

"Yeah yeah. I'm going back to bed, lock the door when you get in. We'll talk in the morning"

I agreed and we hung up. Emily and I had been friends since childhood, and she knew she could trust me to just come on in and lock the door behind me.

I finished filling up the car, paid, and set back out in the direction of Em's place, now feeling a huge weight lifted and allowing myself to enjoy some music on the way there.

(One long drive later...)

I decided to unpack the next day, yawning and heading into Emily's house. I always liked the aesthetic of Em's place. Bean bag chairs instead of a couch, a green neon sign hung on the wall above the TV that said "Let's Get Weird" in cursive, band posters were everywhere, and the place smelled like lavender incense. Totally a hippie college student house. Even when we were teens, her bedroom in her parent's house was very similar. 

It felt safe. It felt like home to me.

Locking the door like she asked and coming further inside, I noticed a sticky note on the kitchen counter.

'(Y/n), I put clean sheets on your bed. Last door on the right"

I smiled, silently blessing her and making my way to my new room. The room was bare aside from the bed and a dresser, but it was clean and smelled like the detergent she had cleaned the bedding with. I smiled, silently closing the door, kicking off my shoes, and collapsing into bed.

Immediately, I was asleep. 

Wildflower (MontyxFem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now