4- Meet the Glamrocks

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The next day was much the same as my first, the only difference being that this time the band would be in their rooms when I was scheduled to clean. I was nervous, but I had no choice, so I made my way to Freddy's room first once again.

This time, I knocked gently. I could swear I felt the floor shake slightly as footsteps approached and the door slid open. Kind glowing eyes peered down at me.


"H-Hi Freddy! I'm (y/n), I'm the new staff room custodian"

His smile was warm as he stepped aside to let me in.

"Come right in, then. I don't suppose you'd mind wiping this down for me? Some of the children got ahold of it for a while. There's pizza sauce smeared on it"

His ears drooped as he held his top hat out to me. I smiled, spraying some cleaner on a rag and wiping away the mess before handing it back. He positioned it on his head and thanked me, sitting in his chair.

"So, (y/n), how are you enjoying the Pizzaplex? Have you met the others yet?"

As I started to tidy up, I chuckled.

"Oh, I've met Monty. This place his huge, I'm just glad I don't have to clean it all myself"

"Monty?" he sounded nervous "I-I apologize for anything he said to you. And for you having to clean up after him...he isn't all bad, I assure you!"

I patted Freddy's plastic arm as I came up to wipe his mirror.

"No, he was actually kinda nice. Said he might not make a mess anymore"

Freddy leapt from his chair, staring at me like I had just told him I saved the world.

"Um, what?"

"He said that?! You got him to stop going on rampages?!"

"Well, now, he said no promises. But I have a good feeling about it"

"(Y/n), so many workers in the position you hold now have quit because of him. I don't know what kind of magic you worked on him to get such a gentle response, but I beg you, stay"

I shook my head, finishing up with a spray of fruit scented air freshener.

"I don't plan on going anywhere, Freddy. I like it here!"

His ears and tail wiggled with excitement.

"You are staying?! I am glad!"

Then he paused, sniffing the air and closing his eyes. His ears and tail started to wiggle some more.

"Oranges! That is my favorite scent!"

"I didn't know you guys could smell" I commented, spraying a little extra for him before returning the canister to one of my pockets.

"Yes, we can. Sadly, I do not get to smell such pleasant scents very often. The entire building smells like pizza"

He crinkled his nose as he said that, and I got the impression he was sick of the same smells. I smiled up at him.

"Hm, what if I got you...a scented candle? For your room. Something citrus-y"

The glow in his eyes seemed to brighten at that, and he nodded.

"Oh, (y/n), I'd be most grateful! I did not know they made scented candles..."

I figured the only candles he had seen were birthday candles, and I made a mental note to look for a big jar candle next time I went shopping.

We said our goodbyes, Freddy gently yet excitedly telling me on my way out not to forget the candle. I promised not to.

Next, I knocked on Roxanne's door. There was a grumble from the other side, and loud stomps approached before the door swung open aggressively. She peered down at me suspiciously.

Wildflower (MontyxFem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now