13- I Love You

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(Found the pic on Pinterest and HAD to use it. Angst ahead btw)

Roxy scoffed when she saw me putting a racing helmet on.

"You? What do you know about racing?"

I shrugged.

"What do the literal children who race here know about it?"

"Huh. Good point"

We all picked our carts and met at the starting line. Roxy bounced excitedly in her seat, revving her engine and waiting for the very second the green light lit up.

Something about it made me antsy. I felt like I couldn't let her win, and that maybe she would respect me more if I beat her.

As soon as the light turned green, I floored it, zipping past everyone else. Even Roxy was behind me the whole race, absolutely enraged that she couldn't go any faster.

On the final lap, I felt pride and adrenaline explode in my chest as I approached the finish line.

It was so close I could taste it, when I suddenly heard an angry roar.

"What the- AGH!!"

Monty leapt out of nowhere onto the track. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting to hit him, but I never did.

He had grabbed the front end of the kart, his claws digging into it. The wheels spun in place as he held the whole thing up, staring directly into my eyes with anger I had never seen in him.

The others blew past us, Roxy winning anyway and rubbing it in Freddy and Chica's faces once they had all stopped.

"U-Um, hello..."

Monty snarled, tucking me under his arm and tossing the damaged kart to the side. He refused to answer my pleas for mercy as he carried me off, out of Roxy Raceway, and directly to his room.

He tossed me onto his couch and stood over me with his arms crossed, like an angry parent. I kept my eyes on the floor.

"Look at me"

I couldn't.

"Now, wildflower"

Slowly, nervously, I raised my eyes up to meet his. He sighed, kneeling down to me.

"Do you have any fucking idea how much I panicked? After everything that happened, you disappeared..."

"I..was just trying to have some fun.."

"FUN?! You were dead for all I knew!"

"Well what do you care anyway! You're a-"

I stopped, snapping my mouth shut and looking away.

"Say it."


"Say it, (y/n). I can't give a shit about you because I'm a fucking machine. Is that where you were going? Is that it?"

"Monty, I...you know I don't see you that way...I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I was just mad..."

He took off his shades and rubbed his eyes.

"(Y/n), I fucking love you...okay? D'you have any idea how much I'd blame myself if something happened to you? How much it would hurt?"

"What did...you just say...?"

His eyes widened and he whipped around, staring at me.

"I..I don't..."

"You...love me? Like love love...?"

His eyes finally softened and I stood up, holding his face gently in my hands.

"Green bean..."

"...come here, damnit"

He picked me up, his arms wrapped around my waist and his snout buried in my neck.

"I love you...I don't give a shit if I am just a robot"

"You're not! I...I shouldn't have said that...you're alive in my eyes. And...I love you too"

His tail thumped against the carpet happily.

"Let me show you how much I love you~"

I shivered at his tone.

(This is kinda short because ⚠️THE NEXT ONE IS A LEMON⚠️ once again, totally skippable. You won't miss anything by skipping. But it'll be referenced later, as usual. Mkay bye for now ily💕)

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