10- Nicknames and Ice Cream

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(If you skipped the last chapter, Monty asked you to be his girlfriend at the end and you said yes. That's the only thing ya missed!)

I spent a long time on the couch in his strong arms, comfortable against him despite his hard shell. He kept his internal heater on the whole time to keep me warm.

When I suggested he should charge, and that I'd be okay with a blanket, he just growled and held me closer.

Eventually, I broke the comfortable silence.

"Hey Monty..? Why me..?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Like...what makes me special? I mean, we haven't known each other for a long time or anything, right? So how are we so...all about each other?"

He sighed, propping himself up to look down at me.

"(Y/n), I got no idea why you're into me. But I know why I'm into you...besides you being a babe, I mean. Heh."

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away, and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"A-Anyways, everyone's always pissed at me for my anger issues...and the messes I make around here. But you're so...I dunno...patient? And...nice. And you make me calm, (y/n)...I-I ain't destroyed nothing since I met you! Honest!"

I chuckled, reaching up to hold the sides of his face.

"Aw, green bean~"

"G-Green bean?"

"Yeah...I thought I should give you a nickname since we're...y'know...together and all"

"I guess that's okay then...wildflower"

"Why wildflower..?"

"Cause, you're beautiful but you got an attitude" he laughed, nuzzling his snout in my neck.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck as his tail thumped against the couch.

There was silence for a while again, until I broke it.

"Hey, you know...we haven't actually kissed yet"

He raised up, looking down at me strangely.

"I don't really...have lips"

"That's okay! U-Uhm..let me try anyway"

He nodded and I kept my arms around his neck as I leaned up and kissed him gently. Immediately, I felt him deepen it, holding me closer and thumping his tail faster.

I only pulled away when my lungs started to burn, and I looked up to see him staring at me, slightly shocked.


"You've never been kissed?" I asked in disbelief.

He shook his head.

"Guess I just...never thought about it 'cause of how I'm made and stuff. Who wants to kiss plastic?"

"Me" I giggled, kissing him again. If his robotic eyes could change to hearts, I'm positive they would have just then.

"Ah jeez..." he chuckled, slightly flustered.

"Hey so...you ruined my underwear, you know"

He glanced down at the torn article of (fav color) fabric on the floor, then back to me.

"Well, the gift shop sells underwear"

I gawked at him.

"You're joking"

He let out a laugh, shaking his head.

"Nah, this company is weird. Women's underwear with our faces on the ass? It's fan service, but hey, I'm flattered"

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