8- Sleepover

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(I made the picture myself...can you tell? Feel free to use it if you even have a use for it lmao. Btw I wanna say real quick that you guys are literal angels 🥺 I had a different account years ago and I used to write fanfics all the time but I haven't been into fandoms enough in recent years to write any. But fnaf and Encanto both kinda hit me at the same time and now I'm having a crisis bc I want literally all the characters from both of them to marry me/be my best friend. So. Yeah. Anyway on with the chapter!)

Monty brought me to his room and tossed me onto the couch.

"Ow! Hey! Watch it, lizard boy..."

He growled, but let it go, turning to Freddy.

"Stay with her. I'm gonna grab her stuff"

Monty left and Freddy sat next to me, pulling the still warm bag of food out of his stomach hatch.

"Oh wow thanks, I was craving (fav mexican food). Wait, how did you keep it warm..?"

He smiled.

"Our bodies are equipped with heaters, so that we feel more real and alive when children hug us"

"Hm. I think you guys are plenty alive even without that" I replied with a shrug, unwrapping my food.

Freddy was silent for a moment, seeming lost in thought until Monty returned with my phone and bag.

"But I didn't give you my locker combo..."

"Didn't need it!" he said proudly, handing me my things.

"I need that locker, you know" I deadpanned.

But he wasn't listening, instead seeming intent on shooing Freddy out of the room.

"B-But perhaps I should stay! Would it not be better for both of us to watch over (y/n)?"

"Nope. I got it. Have a pleasant evening. Don't forget to write. Bon voyage."

With that, he shoved Freddy out the door and closed his curtains.

We chatted lightly while I ate, and I let him try some salsa which he said needed more spice. It was going well until I finished and stood up.

"Um so...I have some normal clothes in here. But...I'd need to change"


But he remained seated, looking expectantly at me. I huffed, reaching over to a magazine on the table and rolling it up, smacking him on the snout.

"Bad gator! You leave the room! And I don't wanna see you peeking either!"

"Ow! Hey I was just joking around! I was gonna leave, honest!"

I narrowed my eyes and he put his hands up in defeat, retreating into the back room and closing the door.

I walked over to the mirror, immediately noticing my red cheeks.

"Huh...is it hot in here or something..?"

"Do you want it to be~?"



I opened the bag and pulled out my oversized tshirt, then dug around for my leggings.

"No...nonono where are they?!"

In my tired daze that morning, I'd forgotten to include pants with my emergency clothes.

"Son of a bitch...Monty?!"

"What?" he called from the other side of the door.

"Umm...I forgot to pack pants..."

"Rock 'n roll~"

"NO NOT ROCK 'N ROLL! This could not be any LESS rock 'n roll!"

He laughed.

"(Y/n), you think I care if you're not wearing pants? So what?"

(Monty's POV)

I care immensely.

(Back to you)

I thought about that for a moment. The shirt did fit me like a dress...so as long as I don't accidentally sit weird or bend over too far, I'm covered, right?

"Well...okay but...no funny business!"

I stripped down and threw my uniform in my bag, quickly putting the shirt on and giving myself some fresh deodorant and a spritz of perfume.

I paused as I went to throw them back into the bag.

Why was I trying to smell nice?

I shook the thought away and called him back in.

"'Bout time, what were you waiting for, my battery to corrode?"

Again, my face was warm.


"'Sorry'? Thought you'd have a snappy comeback. You...okay?"

"Yeah...yes! Mhm..."

He looked at me strangely, but shrugged and went to sit down on the couch, legs open and arms slung across the back. He tilted his head back and sighed.

"Maaan...think you just about killed Freddy disappearing like that. He like your dad or something?"

But I was barely listening, all I could do was stare. The way he was sitting...jesus tap-dancing christ.


I shook my head and my face grew even hotter.

"S-S-Sorry, what?"

He blinked and stared at me for a second, then smirked, looking at me over his glasses.

"Huh. Now I get it." he chuckled, standing up and coming towards me. I kept my eyes on the floor, backing away until I hit a wall. He towered over me, his hands on the wall above me.

(Ahem ahem...)

"G-Get what

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"G-Get what...?" I asked, still looking down.

One of his hands reached down to lift my chin and force me to look at him.

"You freaked out on me because you were jealous. Felt cheated on even though we weren't together. That's real cute, baby~"

No...that's...that can't be! This is completely crazy, he's...a robot. And an animal! But...that would explain a lot...and...he IS cute...

I was so flustered, my knees buckled. He caught me with one arm and laughed, a slight growl at the end.

"C'mon, you better lay down" he said, helping me to the couch.

(That salsa wasn't the only thing that needed more spice 👀 am i right)

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