6- Vanny

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I spent a while in Freddy's room, explaining what had happened in more detail. He listened, seeming briefly concerned when I mentioned meeting Moon.

"Well, they were right to do that for you. Sleep is important for your health!"

"Yeah, but I could've held out until I got h-"

Just then, my stomach grumbled loudly, reminding me I hadn't eaten all day. Slightly embarrassed, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and stood up.

"I guess I should try to find some food..."

Freddy stood too, gently guiding me to sit back down. I looked up at him confused.

"I am sorry but...the night guard is on patrol right now. It is best if you stay here; I will bring you some food"

"Night guard? But I work here, too. And if I run into them, maybe they can just let me out!"

Freddy seemed to flinch slightly at this, and his ears drooped.

"I...doubt she would be understanding, (y/n). Vanessa is a bit...harsh. Besides, nobody can open the doors unless emergency protocols are activated"

"Well damn it" I huffed, slumping down on the couch. Freddy gasped.

"Language! This is a family establishment!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I should call up Roxy and hang out in her room instead, party pooper"

Again, a gasp.

"I love parties! I can assure you I would never-"

"Freddy, it's a figure of speech! Jeez. Look, I'm sorry, can you please just bring me some food?"

His ears perked up and wiggled.

"Now that is more like it! I will return. Please lock the door when I exit"

I agreed, and picked up my phone once he left. The screen didn't light up, and I groaned, tossing it aside.  Annoyed, I pressed the call button on my Fazwatch.

"Er, Freddy? I'm sorry to ask, but could you bring my bag, too? It's in my locker, #511"

"I do not mind. I will be back as soon as I can"

I ended the call and stood up, stretching and wandering around the room a bit, when my vision suddenly got fuzzy. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes, and it was gone.

"Huh...must've gotten some lint in my eye or something"

I sat back down, messing with my Fazwatch out of boredom as I waited for Freddy. After a few minutes, I got a message.

From: ???

See you soon~

"What in the..."

The lights went out then, and a creepy laugh sounded from outside the room's back door. I backed away from it on the couch as much as I could, pulling my knees to my chest and doing my best to keep quiet.

The door opened, and red, unblinking eyes stared at me in the dark. My vision went fuzzy again and something like loud tv static and screeching filled my head. I tried to stand, but fell to the ground, my hands clasped over my ears tightly and my eyes squeezed shut.

It got louder and louder, until I eventually passed out. The last thing I saw was the paws of some...animal costume approach me.

(This is shorter than usual, sorry >.< still feeling pretty shitty. Maybe I'll try to do another one later tonight)

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