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In the subway's 3rd line, present is a bustling crowd of people. Every single one of them has tired faces. Office workers on their way home.

The current time were displayed on the LED screen on the ceiling.

[6:55 PM]

Exactly 5 minutes before the beginning of the scenario.

The Bulgwang Station-bound train arrived along with the noisy announcement.

People climbed aboard the train one by one, ignorant of the disaster 5 minutes from now.

The Bulgwang Station-bound train no. 3434. The car number 3707.

A certain man absent-mindedly staring outside the subway window, wearing the coat of a pro gamer. His looks far superior than any human in the train.

His disinterested gaze locked on the outside of the subway, his mind currently submerged in his thoughts.

Several private matters that other people didnt know, such as discord between the teammates and the tyranny caused by the directors high-handedness, brushed past his mind. However, they were stories from years ago, and he couldnt think of an answer no matter how hard he thought about them.

He was facing a philosophical quandary for the first time ever in his life.

The stopped subway train began moving and time flowed forward.

"Heuh, heuh-euh..."

A giant of a man, with a scraggly beard on his chin, was acting suspiciously at the exit. Several people shifted their gazes to the man carrying a twisted expression, he sniggered. He looked around himself and suddenly pulled out a home-made bomb and a lighter.

On the day that the paywall began there was a certain man riding the same subway car. The subway car no 3707.

"....What's that?"

"H-hey, man!"

⸢The Subway Terrorist, Choi Han-Gyu.⸥

The shocked crowd screamed and retreated. People freaked out after witnessing the sparks exploding from the man's hands and stood up from their seats, causing the scene to turn chaotic.

Yoo Jonghyuk was quietly staring at the man.

Yoo Jonghyuk's expression, the calm one that he has before and after entering the subway train was now replaced with fright. His face pale-white.

It was then, the interior of the subway train became dark along with the screeching noise. People's screams morphed into sorrowful cries as they witness the flame being lit-up withing the darkness.

[7:00 PM]

As the clocked ticked 7, the world's rules has changed.

[The free service period of the planetary system no. 8612 has concluded.]

[Main Scenario has begun.]

The flames lit up by the terrorist brightly illuminated Yoo Jonghyuk's face. His eyes trembling into pure fear. He stood there frozen, unable to do anything.

[Channel #BI-7623 has opened.]

[Constellations are entering.]

"Heuh, heuh heuh-euh."

The crowd began running towards the next car of the train, trying to get away from the figure of the terrorist clutching the explosive as the mans eyes glared at the surroundings.

[Extremely small number of Constellations are getting interested in the Incarnation Choi Han-Gyu.]

Yoo Jonghyuk was still standing in the same spot, still unable to move in fear.

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