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[6:55 PM]

He regressed. He failed, she died, again.

In Yoo Jonghyuk's arms, she was there lying limply on his arms. Her warm blood constantly flowing, making a puddle.

He let out a shaky breath. She blocked an attack that was meant for him, and now, she's dead.

He leaned his face on his arms not caring if his face was smeared by her blood.

"Ha, fuck" Yoo Jonghyuk cursed. What's the use of this regression if you're not here?

Water droplets fell and landed on her corpse, but he realized it wasn't raining.

He was crying. Even though he knew that she'll be there once he regress back, it was still soul-destroying to say the least, seeing the one he adore and love die.

Yoo Jonghyuk gave up the 1st round of Regression.

The expression that his companions made when he tried to kill his self didn't even shake his conviction.

He knows that staying in that regression round knowing that she already died, will slowly drive him crazy.

He made a choice for his teammates sake and for his sake also. If he chose to stay, he may even kill his companions after going mad. It's better this way. Yoo Jonghyuk reassured his self.

Many regression turns passed yet why can he still not get over the fact that even if she died, he can still see her in the next regression? Was it because he thought that once he regressed, in that turn, she'll change? Is it so selfish of him to just want her to not change? To still continue looking at him with affection and not disinterest?

Every single regression, Yoo Jonghyuk knew that when he change something on that regression, the future that he knows will change, and so will she. She might even not look at him like the way she looked at him on the other rounds. Is he paranoid? Maybe, but it can't be help, it's so naive of him to even think that she won't change in the turns of regression

Or is it that he knew that the stigma his sponsor gave him is not traveling back in time but creating a new world line and everytime he regresses, he leaves that worldline- a worldline where she is not there anymore.

His personality gradually changed. He is not the Yoo Jonghyuk that she adored in the early regression anymore and Yoo Jonghyuk knew that so well. He became the very person Angels dislike.

Will she also dislike him? Will she stand at the opposite side of him and become his enemy? Because he knew very well that he won't be able to raise his sword against her, that regression turn might very well be considered a failure if she turns her blade against him and and activate her stigma.

“Why would you do this?”[Name] looked at Yoo Jonghyuk coldly and asked.

Yoo Jonghyuk felt his stomach churn at her cold gaze that was directed towards him, it was only ever shown towards her enemy and now he was one of them.

Yoo Jonghyuk was surrounded by the corpse of the neutral constellations, her comrades in arms. Even though she didn't know that they betrayed her on the other regression turns when she was protecting him, it's alright.

“I'm sorry, I love you.”Yoo Jonghyuk walked towards her and embraced her, [Name] who was petrified by the sudden confession wasn't able to resist when he kissed her.

Finally coming to her senses, she pushed him away and looked at him, enraged by his insolence.

“How dare you! A mere mortal being so insolent."

[Stigma 'Graveyard of a Million Swords' has been activated.]

The sword Yoo Jonghyuk used started shaking as if resisting the call of its former owner but it was the only one that resisted the call.

1760th regression turn, Yoo Jonghyuk died at [Name]'s hand.

[Name] felt empty after killing him, he didn't even resist and let her kill him as if it was meant to happen. Foreign feeling began to gnaw at her heart, she felt that she should've responded to his confession, but why would she when he killed her comrades.

He deserved it. But did he really.

She shook her head to rid the thoughts going on her mind.

“I love you.”

His voice lingered on the air as if he was still alive and unconsciously, she responded.

“Mmm. I love you too.”

Yet she walked away like she didn't just said that.

It's a spoiler.

It's a joke. It's a sneak peak on the Ways of Survival and Dokja read and knew it. It's a filler chapter of sorts. I'm gonna update when I'm inspired to write sorry. I'm having writer's block. Thank you for waiting.

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