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After walking for a few more hours, Yoo Jonghyuk, Lee Jihye and the other people who was with Lee Jihye when Yoo Jonghyuk saved them. Yoo Jonghyuk dubbed them as 'extras'.

They were near Chungmuro already, they just need to pass 'that' scenario. Yoo Jonghyuk felt nervous, even if he had the skill 'Mental Barrier' he can't help but dread what he might see on that scenario.

[A new sub-scenario has arrived!]

Yoo Jonghyuk hardened like a stone, he was mentally preparing himself on what he might see, just- he just don't want to see 'that', he's hoping that he should just see the scene where his companions dies, just not her, he's even willing to beg for it so that he won't be reminded on what happened on the last regression.

No matter what regression turn it is, whether it is the 999th regression turn Yoo Jonghyuk, or the 1863rd, the scene that always welcomed them on the welcome prison scenario was the one that almost, almost made them fail the regression. Every single turn, witnessing it in this scenario always leave every single regression turn of Yoo Jonghyuk from the 3rd up to 1863rd, shaking. It doesn't matter whether their Mental Barrier skill becomes more stronger, in every turn, it just doesn't matter.

[Sub Scenario – Welcome Prison]

Category: Sub

Difficulty: D~F

Clear Conditions: Escape from Welcome Prison within the time limit.

Time Limit: 1 hour

Compensation: 300 coins

Failure: ???


[Sub scenario – Welcome Prison has begun!]

“Prepare yourselves.” Yoo Jonghyuk said sternly.

The surroundings distorted.

“W-what's happening master?” Lee Jihye asked confusedly.

Yoo Jonghyuk wasn't able to say something because Lee Jihye disappeared from his sight and his surrounding started to form again after being distorted. Yoo Jonghyuk was silently praying. He never believed in gods. He was just suddenly thrown into the world to fend for himself, not even remembering any memories of his childhood or his memories of his and Mia's parents. But he might make an exception this time, he'll pray and beg just to not see that scene again.

However, Yoo Jonghyuk's hope shattered when the surrounding became exactly the same as the 2nd Round.

He felt it again, the feeling of stabbing the sword on her heart, feeling the  stabbing and the sword passing through her flesh. He felt nauseous.

He quickly let go of the sword that had stabbed her and Yoo Jonghyuk dropped on the ground weakly. He closed his eyes and covered his face with his blood stained shaking hands, silently and agonizingly waited until Mental Barrier activated.

[The skill 'Mental Barrier' Lv. 5 has been activated!]

[Due to the skill effect of 'Mental Barrier', immunity to Welcome Prison has been gained.]

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