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"Master!" Lee Jihye called out to Yoo Jonghyuk which he looked at her, eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

"What is it?" Yoo Jonghyuk asked, quite curious as to why Lee Jihye came running to him in a hurry.

"There's a strange Ahjussi right there!" Lee Jihye pointed at the direction where she came from repeatedly. "He was saying that he's your companion who came back alive! It's strange right? He isn't really your companion right, Master?" Lee Jihye waived her arms around trying to properly explain as to why the 'Ahjussi' she was talking about was strange.

"Lead me to him." Yoo Jonghyuk said. He frowned and pondered if the person Lee Jihye is talking about is that self-proclaimed prophet.

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't really thought that the prophet wasn't real. He knew what no one should know, the chalatustra that he need to fight on the 46th scenario and what happened on the 2nd regression. But can anyone really blame him? He was betrayed by a prophet in the 2nd regression and now a new prophet came and told him to make him a companion, it was too convenient to be real. What if he too will betray him like what Anna Croft did? He can't risk it, the thought of her dying again makes him want to throw every single thought of allying his self on a prophet no matter how reasonable and useful a prophet will be.

He will most likely lose his reason. One more time that he see her die again, he's sure he will lose it, every little conscience or anything that makes him still be on the side of the good, will disappear.

He will tread carefully and reach the end of the scenario. This regression, he promises to his self that he will end it in this regression. He can't fail again.

[The Constellation 'Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen' is curious as to why you hold such grave expression.]

Oddly, the other Constellations are quiet and was probably just spectating silently. Yoo Jonghyuk shook his head gently.

"No, it's nothing you should concern with. I'm fine."Lies. Yoo Jonghyuk lied maintaining a straight face. He knew that he's not fine, that his sanity and morals are slowly slipping away and he can't do anything about it. If his morals is the only thing that needed to be sacrificed, then why not? But he will never be able to let go of his sanity, he felt like he'll fail her if he does descend to insanity.

Yoo Jonghyuk curled his fists tightly. He'll see if this prophet is really worth keeping, if he betrays him or not, if he'll be his greatest ally. He can use him for information but he'll still keep his guard up against him, no one may now when he'll stab him in the back. Better be safe than sorry.

"Where is that person you speak of? Go walk and lead me to him."Yoo Jonghyuk said and started walking but turned around when Lee Jihye did not walk. He sighed and rubbed his forehead before speaking to her."What are you waiting for?"

Lee Jihye still looked appalled that his Master didn't reacted negatively. "Master! Is he really your companion?! That's so... so... Just so!"Lee Jihye pondered about what word should she use as to not offend her master if that Ahjussi is really the companion of her master.

"He looks and speak like someone that is unreliable. No! He really is one!... I think."

[The Constellation 'Demon-Like Judge of Fire' says that you'll offend the incarnation 'Kim Dokja' when he hears your statement.]

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