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(A/N: I am taking back my words! My head is hurting thinking of what I should put on the 1st and 2nd regression, and I figured out that I'll just skip next to the 3rd round. I can't write without any prior information. I have drafts on the First and Second regression chapter but decided not to publish it because I don't know what should I write next. I'm really sorry and on the chapter 1 that described a silver haired girl, it is the reader. I just have a thing for silver hair and platinum blonde but the eye color and any other more features are all yours to decide.)

[2nd Regression Round]

Yoo Jonghyuk killed the Dark Keeper and was placed a curse by Asmodeus. He encountered the Disaster of Floods on the Main Scenario #5, the disaster told him information that made him reach the 46th scenario without much trouble.

Yoo Jonghyuk allied with Anna Croft but was betrayed by her on the 2nd round, 46th scenario. She used the scenarios' reward to bound him and successfully making him her slave.

Yoo Jonghyuk, having to do every single of Anna Croft's order, wasn't able to properly take care of his companions.

He lost Namgung Minyoung, his teacher who taught him 'Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship'. Namgung Minyoung died fighting alone against the returnee alliance.

Her death almost made him lose his mind, she was important for him too since he was her teacher but what made him really lose his mind was Anna Croft's order.

"Kill that Constellation." Anna Croft ordered.

She was informed by Asgard that they were not able stop her descent on the scenario, and she was also informed by Asgard that they will not interfere on the scenario, fearing that they'll be killed by the Fallen. But there was one thing that they I formed her and was deemed by Anna Croft 'the most important' information. It was that the Constellation 'Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen' adores Yoo Jonghyuk, she was at first confused but she understands later when they also told her that she threatened to kill them for touching the incarnation she has her eye on.

Yoo Jonghyuk having to receive that order, tried to refuse it but his body moved against his will. He fought and fought for who knows how many hours has passed. (Name) was pushed in a corner having to decide whether to retaliate or let him kill her. She decided to choose the second option, she can't bear to hurt him. She'd rather die than do so.

Yoo Jonghyuk was the same, he'd rather die than hurt her but (Name) was selfish enough to ignore that. She only wanted for him to survive and reach the end of the scenario, even if she isn't there anymore watch it.

The Constellation he adored died at his hands, he can feel the stab on her heart vividly, as if he was the one who was stabbed. The sword, digging on her chest, the pain she felt, he can feel it, so vivid and realistic.

(Name) did not mind the sword that was stabbed on her, she pushed the sword more towards herself, trying to close the gap between them. She know that she'll die, she knows the swords that was stabbed on her was the one she sponsored on him, the sword she favored the most. The sword that brings destruction, the sword that defies even the heaven, there's no way she'd be able to survive. After all, the ones that she used the sword to, the ones she fought using the sword- none survived. That sword never lets go with its prey, not until they die, even if it was its former owner.

She eventually closed the gap. He was staring at her, his obsidian eyes widened with horror. His eyes shook with despair and guilt.

Their lips met, even though it was only for a short moment, it conveyed her emotions. Sadness and Comforting. As if she was saying 'it's not your fault, so don't blame yourself'.

Her body turned limp and lifeless. Her dead body leaned on his, her head resting on his shoulder, the sword still remaining on her chest.

Yoo Jonghyuk stared at the body on his arms with wide eyes. He let out a Shaky breath, tears fell from his eyes. He... he killed you. He felt like his world shattered and turned dull.

Anger and Despair was threatening to consume him and before he knew it he was consumed.

He had gone berserk, his vision was dyed black. He killed Anna Croft and her allies, he killed a lot of people.

Through sheer willpower, he unbounded his self from the control Anna Croft exerted on him, he drove a lot of enemies to their death with just willpower alone.

However, willpower wasn't able to help him this time, he succumbed to Asmodeus's curse and died by his hands.
He did not even care that he was about to die. His thoughts was only filled with him begging for forgiveness towards the constellation.

'I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I- I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to kill you, (Name). There's no way I'll ever want to.'

"Hmm. I wonder what's so interesting about you? Even the Constellation who wasn't acknowledged by the 'Wall of Good and Evil' as good nor evil cherishes you so much that she even held back when you killed her, she clearly didn't want you to die or get hurt even." Asmodeus said.

He chuckled. "Though, if she knew that I will kill you, she will really immediately get rid of me."

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't even listen to Asmodeus's rambling. His eyes were lifeless and his body was covered with wounds.

"Just kill me already." He'll atone for his sin, in the next regression. He'll make sure you won't die. In the next regression, surely he will.

Asmodeus's laughed and granted his request. "Sure, for the adored incarnation of the Fallen."

Asmodeus killed him.

[Your incarnation body is weakening.]

[Your incarnation body is collapsing.]

[Your incarnation body cannot contain your stories!]

[You have died.]

[With the stigma's effect, you are returning to the save point to revive.]

[You are the regressor of 3rd Round.]


For compensation of skipping, here's a fun fact.

Fun Fact: The Modifier 'Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen' was granted to her by the Star Stream since she's lazy even when she was still an incarnation. She is from the race of the Angels, she is a seraph. Ranked above cherubim, and below god. Even before the scenarios on her world she was already lazy since archangels are more action oriented and seraphs are ones who could stand the presence of god, they're more on the worshiper side. She is a Neutral Constellation as when she became a Constellation, Eden wanted her to join them but she was also coveted by the Demon Kings so they let the wall decide whether she was good or evil but she was considered as neither, obtaining the modifier 'fallen' because she was expelled from 'heaven' or nebula of the good.

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