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[3rd Regression Round]

Yoo Jonghyuk opened his eyes at the familiar carriage. As soon as he confirmed he regressed, he immediately sprinted towards 'Choi Han-Gyu' as soon as they stepped on the carriage.

He didn't wait for the scenario to start before quickly suppressing 'Choi Han-Gyu' and took the bomb away from him- and the lighter too, before stuffing the them on the black Infinite Dimension Space Coat.

[6:59 PM]

26 seconds before the start of the scenario, 26 seconds more before he can receive the notification of the Constellations entering the channel. 26 seconds, before he can blow up the people on the carriage and receive her indirect message.

[7:00 PM]

The clock turned 7 and he received the message he would never have thought he would anticipate so much that before the clock tick 7, he thinked that the time flowed really slow.

He's really hopeless.

[The free service period of the planetary system No. 8612 has concluded.]

[Main Scenario has begun.]

His eyes sparkled with anticipation for the next message.

[Channel #B-7623 has opened.]

[The Constellations have entered the channel.]

He smiled slightly at the message. He was relieved, she's alive, not a cold corpse, and bathed with blood.


The main scenario has arrived!]


[Main Scenario #1 – Proof of Value]

Category: Main

Difficulty: F

Clear Conditions: Kill one or more living things.

Time Limit: 30 minutes

Compensation: 300 coins

Failure: Death



Obsidian eyes were coldly staring at the people gathered at the back door of the 3707 carriage. The wheel of the tightly held lighter was cold. He didn't care, he has to do this right.

In this turn, he absolutely couldn’t make a mistake. He would use any means for his purpose. He can't let you get killed again.

The expression of fear on the people’s faces. He didn’t feel any guilt, it was all for her sake, for his adored constellation. (A/N: I'm getting yandere vibes. Yikes.)

Everything was fleeting.

He looked at the people with merciless eyes. After a while, his fingertips moved and fire rose. Then it all started.

Adoration ✧ Y. JWhere stories live. Discover now