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[There are 5 minutes before the third scenario is activated.]

Yoo Jonghyuk ignored the message and leisurely walked towards one of the hidden room. He leaned on the wall and crossed his arms, waiting quietly. The silence was eerie to say, there was not a single indirect message from her after sending those messages earlier.

Yoo Jonghyuk was confused but didn't ask the questions that were stuck in his throat, such as 'why is she hostile towards them?' 'what did they do?' and many more. She was hostile to the Olympus from the beginning but he didn't really think much of it, now that he has time to just think about it, he never really knew why she 'dislike' Olympus.

Might they have crossed paths in a scenario and became enemies?  Yoo Jonghyuk didn't know that it was worse than that. That both Olympus and her grudge runs deep, to the point she made Olympus fall in to ruins.

[The third main scenario has started.]

[Green Zone 1/2]

“Hey.”Someone called behind him. Yoo Jonghyuk knew who that voice belonged to but refused to acknowledge that prophet's name. He turned towards the voice, seeing him with that child.

He narrowed his eyes towards that child before glancing back to the prophet.

“Can’t you get out? You don’t even need to stay in here.”Kim Dokja said, visibly frustrated.

Yoo Jonghyuk wanted to know how can that prophet survive the scenario this time. “It is difficult. I am tired today.”

Yoo Jonghyuk relished in the way Kim Dokja's face crumpled at his words.

They both stared at each other.

“Take the kid.”

“Give me the child.”

Kim Dokja gave Lee Gilyoung to Yoo Jonghyuk and the mark of the Green Zone changed.

[Green Zone 2/2]

“Hyung! Wait a minute! Hyung!”

Lee Gilyoung urgently tried to rush towards Kim Dokja but Yoo Jonghyuk restrained him.

Yoo Jonghyuk stared through at Kim Dokja. I told you that you would die.

“I won't die.”Kim Dokja said after seeing Yoo Jonghyuk's thought.

Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes widened, how did he? Why did he say that like he knew what he was thinking. Was it that obvious that he wants him dead?

Suddenly, as if Kim Dokja wasn't bothered by the monsters running towards him, he took something on his pockets which made Yoo Jonghyuk's eyes shook with surprise. The Specter's Stone!

How did he know that method? That was the question plaguing Yoo Jonghyuk's mind as he called out to the now ghost Kim Dokja, but to failed because he can't hear them anymore.

[The Constellation ‘Slepping Ruler of the Fallen’ is interested on that incarnation's skills on escaping death.]

The Constellation which had been silent until now had finally sent an indirect message.

“So you only sent an indirect message just now?”Yoo Jonghyuk raised his eyebrows, planning to interrogate the Constellation.

[The Constellation ‘Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen’ is embarrassed.]

“Fine, I'll let it slide this time.”

[The Constellation ‘Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen’ breaths a sigh of relief.]

Bihyung who was watching their interaction was confused. Why did it seem as if the position of an incarnation and a constellation was swapped?

[The Constellation ‘Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen’ says that she's feeling drowsy.]

“Is that so?” The tone of how he uttered that question made the constellation know that he's annoyed.

[The Constellation ‘Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen’ says that she suddenly feels very awake.]

Yoo Jonghyuk raised his eyebrows at the indirect message, still continuing to restrain the child from lunging to the 'prophet' whom he calls hyung. “Oh, really?” He said monotonously.

There was no indirect message. He looked at the struggling child.

“Stop trying to escape, you'll only die if you exit the safe zone.” Yoo Jonghyuk persuaded. It's not that Yoo Jonghyuk became kind but because of the sponsor this child has, was someone Yoo Jonghyuk has his eyes on.

Abaddon, Ruler of the deepest pit.

The forgotten evil. The most ancient evil. The ‘evil’ that all the other stars have forgotten after too much time has passed by. The ‘evil’ that was even ostracised by other ‘evil’, and was sealed away within the Demon World’s deepest underground.

Yoo Jonghyuk knew the constellation sponsoring Lee Gilyoung, which is Abaddon from all the stories that The Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen (Name) had told him from his past regressions. He wasn't sure but he was able to retain the memory of some parts of his regression, forgetting about some other memories while the memory about the scenarios is very clear in his mind.

As if that was his only purpose, to try to clear the scenario and to regress, a cycle which he doesn't know when will end.

After waiting, the scenario was finally over. Yoo Jonghyuk took the child with him, ignoring the woman marching over to them.

“Come with me.” He straightforwardly said.

Lee Gilyoung who became wary of Yoo Jonghyuk after seeing his hyung dead, refused him “I'm sorry.”

“Don't try to answer right now, think about it.” Yoo Jonghyuk persuaded again.

Lee Gilyoung shook his head, “I have already chose to go with hyung.”

“Obviously, he will never be able to make you stronger than I can.”

“It is okay.”

“....You really won't go with me?”


“You can become much stronger with me than with him. You still won’t go?”

“Yes. I won’t.”

“…Stupid kid.”

Yoo Jonghyuk frowned and looked at where Kim Dokja is, who is now awake.

Lee Gilyoung who discovered that Kim Dokja is now awake, rushed towards Kim Dokja with swollen eyes.

“Dokja hyung!”

Yoo Jonghyuk didn't stop Lee Gilyoung this time.

[The Constellation ‘Sleeping Ruler of the Fallen’ is wondering why you didn't insist further.]

Yoo Jonghyuk just kept silent, with his strength, if he were to force Lee Gilyoung, he will sure offend his sponsor. It will do more harm than good.

'Lucky guy, to think Abaddon's incarnation would willingly stay with him. Looks like I need to keep him a little longer.'


Beelzebub from RoR is so gorgeous.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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