12. Where Poison Lies

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Ever since that one night, Samael felt as though he were constantly flying high above anything that could ever bring him down. He was tall as the rocky mountains, bright as the shining snow, and free as the untameable ocean. He was never alone, with his bond to Nyxeus, and he loved it.

He hadn't yet told his family though, a step he was hesitant to take. Not because he was ashamed of loving the king, but because he didn't know how his family would react. They'd never known of his relationship with the dragon king, and everything was so simple without them knowing.

Two days later, Samael was walking through the gardens of Heaven, tending to the flowers and the topiaries. Not that they needed tending to, but something about taking care of them was relaxing. Handling the delicate petals and carefully formed branches was a calming pastime, away from most of his siblings.

When he heard footsteps coming closer, Samael looked up from kneeling next to one of the many flowerbeds in the garden. He tilted his head curiously when he saw Castiel, the dark-haired angel dressed in his usual pale green robes. He didn't mind Castiel; his younger brother was quiet, kept out of trouble and preferred reading to fighting. He was easy to get along with, though he was prone to questions.

"Did you need something?" Samael asked in confusion.

Castiel blinked at him for a long moment before replying, "You've done something."

"What do you mean?"

The younger angel kneeled next to Samael. "You are acting different, Brother," he hummed. "Much lighter. Weightless. What has changed?"

Samael hesitated, pursing his lips. "My relationship with the dragon king."

"For the better, I assume?"


"Oh... Also, Father wishes to see you."

Samael frowned, "And you didn't tell me that first?"

"I wanted to see what was different," Castiel replied with a careless shrug. Not an 'I don't care about your business with Father' gesture, but an 'I didn't see any harm' kind of shrug. "Best not keep Father waiting any longer."

"Right," Samael said, giving his brother a roll of his eyes before he spread his wings and flew off towards God's office.

His father was waiting within, sitting at his desk and apparently tinkering with some sort of project. When Samael knocked and entered, God looked up with a smile.

"Samael. I was wondering what was taking you so long."

"Yes, well Castiel decided to ask questions before letting me know you wished to see me."

God's smile widened, "That does sound like Castiel... Sit down."

Samael obeyed, sitting across from his father in one of the two chairs standing on the other side of the desk. God set aside the project he'd been working on, turning his full attention to his son.

"You travel beyond the gates of the Silver City the most often, Samael," God started, "You have seen the stars that fill the center plane, yes?"

"I have," Samael confirmed, as his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Then you have seen how they have grown fewer in number as many start to go out." God clasped his hands together, giving Samael a long stare. "I have a task for you, my Lightbringer."

The angel frowned, "You want me to make the stars shine?"

"I want you to create a way for them to burn eternally," God corrected. "A way that they will not fade and their beauty will remain forever. Once you have a plan, you will have my power available as a tool."

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