10. Rising Problems

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Ayvrien was getting tired. The rebellion had been going on for a full century and nothing had yet changed because of it. She was beginning to think that nothing ever would. The king hadn't done anything but spend time with that celestial, as if he were more important than the realm and its inhabitants.

That made her and many others angry. What made that celestial so important to the king that he spent so much time with him and not in improving the realm? Dragons were out there dying every day from starvation and illness and the king had done nothing! Yet the firsts and others who had the privilege to get close to him always sang of his praises and sympathy! It wasn't right and while Ayvrien was tired, she was not going to give up until something was done for the better of her friends and the many communities who followed her cause.

Ayvrien decided they needed to make a big move. Something that was sure to get the king's attention and his action on the issues plaguing the realm. She didn't want anyone to die, no, but it was hard to accomplish a rebellion like this unless injuries and casualties occured. She'd come this far, she was not going to back out now.

It wasn't hard for her rebel council to decide who to target for this move. They would need to be quick but it would work. If they planned everything right and the plan went as desired, no opposing draconian would know until the rebels were ready for the confrontation that would surely follow. No one would be around to see.

After all, the king's celestial always entered the realm alone.

Samael felt free for the first time in a long time. His punishment was finally over after half a century and he could not be more relieved. He wasn't banned from leaving the realm but he had two more hours added to his required training time, bringing the total to four hours.

No more overpowering exhaustion. No more having his time taken up by training. He could spend much more time exploring now.

Of course, his first destination was the obsidian palace of the dragonlands. Samael had barely dressed after his shower before he was running out of his room and flying towards the golden gates of Heaven. He waved to a few of his siblings as he passed, noting Azrael's slightly dejected expression and vowing to spend more time with her.

God had finally relented and allowed the angels to leave the realm and explore the central plane of the universe, as well as the desolate realm in the lower plane, but none besides Samael were allowed to enter the dragonlands on their own without prior permission from both God and Nyxeus.

Samael easily found the vibrant realm; it was practically second-nature to the angel now. The moving gates weren't nearly as hard to locate anymore so it didn't take long before Samael was feeling the gentle wind on his face and inhaling the fresh air of the dragonlands. Looking around, he saw the gates were above the icy regions. The gates always faced the palace however, so Samael flew in the direction they faced.

He'd been to the icy regions once and it was a very desolate place. Wide open for the most part but there were a number of forests here and there, as well as tall mountains and winding rivers. Samael hummed to himself as he flew, seeing the white, blues and magentas of the Forest of Iriphin on the horizon.

It was peaceful, the celestial's flight. No shouts from his siblings, no pressure to do or be anything other than what he was. He was alone and it felt nice.

Until something slammed into his skull and sent his mind reeling into unconsciousness.

When Samael woke, it was to a gentle, fluffy something pressed against his cheek. A soft groan passed his lips as his eyelids fluttered. White filled his vision. A bright, rather-blinding white, the kind that made the pounding in his head even worse. The celestial blinked a number of times before he could squint and look around.

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