2. Dragonets & Celestials

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Nyxeus was resting. His tail was curled around one of the roots of the throne room chandelier and his body hung down. His sister was out somewhere in the realm. She hadn't returned since the first day. He worried about her, but knew she could take care of herself.

He had explored the realm, yes, and he already knew it like he knew his own black scales. So instead of exploring more, he stayed to be there when the little younglings were ready to come out of their eggs. He didn't know why he felt so caring, but he liked it. He liked the idea of caring for another creature, of being the provider.

He'd taken care of the eggs so far. Some were smaller than others, he'd noticed. Some were colder, others warmer. A few felt much lighter and when he held the egg up to the light, the dragonet inside had appeared to be floating. A lung dragon, his thoughts had told him. A dragon able to fly at will though they had no wings.

He'd gathered resources as well, so when the eggs hatch, he'd be ready to take care of them. He knew they'd need it, being new to the world. He felt like a parent, but he didn't really care he felt that way. It felt special to him and he liked it.

The first cracking sound made his eyes shoot open. Those sunset orange eyes locked onto the cracks appearing on one bone white egg. He dropped down to the floor, spreading his wings to land softly among the eggs. He lowered his head to sniff curiously at the hatching egg, a soft hum passing his lips to coax the dragonet out.

The creature inside gave a soft squeak in return, poking its nose out. A few answering squeaks were given from the other eggs and they started cracking as well. Much to his delight, the eldest dragon was suddenly surrounded by hatching eggs. Little squawks were given and some took more coaxing to come out, but Nyxeus was excited and content. His wings vibrated in his nervous excitement, the membrane creating a low, melodic hum that ended up helping to persuade the young dragons out.

The dragonet from the bone white egg was first to come out. A small dragon of the same colour emerged, pale white eyes looking up at the tall black creature before it. The dragonet startled back as Nyxeus lowered his head. A soft hum passed the king's lips, a soft 'it's alright,' and the dragonet moved forward curiously. He pounced on the big dragon's snout with a happy crow, little wings spreading out and flapping in a show of pride.

Nyxeus chuckled softly, turning with the dragonet on his snout to where the others were coming out of their own eggs after deciding it wasn't so bad outside.

*You are Skeletii,* the black dragon whispered to the first hatched. The second one out, an iridescent amphithere, had made her way to his talons, looking up at him with large, awed, silver eyes. Nyxeus bent his head down again to tap his nose gently against hers, *You will be Nebula.*

She gave a small brr? in response, tilting her head. Nyxeus smiled at that and lied down among the hatching eggs. The dragonet Skeletii had crawled along Nyxeus' neck to his back and settled himself there. Others were joining him, climbing their way onto the elder's back with little squawks and trills.

Nyxeus could easily see they were all different and not only in shape. Two of them, an icy blue wyvern now named Odenion and the snowy white drake dubbed Yith, seemed to radiate colder air, while two others, an amber orange lung Nyxeus named Etrix and ruby red wyvern called Hex, radiated heat. Oddly enough, all of the dragonets seemed to have a partner of sorts, a sibling who seemed much the same as themselves in what Nyxeus saw their minds preferred. All but one, the last hatched.

The little golden dragon seemed like an outlier but he looked happy all the same. Nyxeus could see in his mind he didn't seem to care where he was or what surrounded him, as long as he had someone with him. The small red eyed creature who would be known as Jinx had settled himself between Nyxeus' front talons and would bare his little teeth at any of his siblings who tried to take his place. The amused elder could already see this dragonet would be the spoiled baby of the family.

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