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Taehyungs pov:

I wake up to the feeling of early morning sun rays casting themselves across my still form. I bury my face in my pillow and slowly begin to stretch my idle muscles. Despite sleeping, I still feel tired as hell. Why did I drink so much last night, I'm turning into my uncle. I yawn and toss my legs out of the heavy comforter and crawl my way to the end of the bed.

Trudging towards my bathroom, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Not too bad, I chuckle. You can't really tell that I was absolutely shitfaced less than ten hours ago. I sigh and remember that I have meetings today. Scoffing, I wonder why Namjoon ignored me when I warned that we should host the party on the night before our day off. It would've been really nice if I had the opportunity to sleep off my hangover but theres nothing I can do about it now.

I begin to run the shower and walk out of my room and into the hall closet to grab a towel. Walking back into my room, I undress myself and step into the hot shower. I feel relieved the second I am touched by the hot water. Suga recommends cold showers as they help wake you up in the mornings but there is no way I am trying that shit. I would evaporate out of my skin if I did that. Personally, I've always been sensitive to cold temperatures, even from a young age. I get anxious when it's cold. Maybe its just me but Yoongi is crazy for that suggestion. I grab my shampoo and lather it through my tangled hair. Its been a long time since I've gotten my haircut and to be honest, I like it better long. My mom always used to say that I looked like a hoodlum with long hair but I think it's badass. I want to get another mullet but Jimin would totally make fun of me for that. I tilt my head into the cascade of water while running my fingers through it to rid my black locks of the product. After quickly finishing up in the shower, I walk to the other side of my bedroom and open the closet door.
Following multiple minutes of extreme consideration, I pick out a cream colored button up with medium brown jeans and brown leather shoes.
I check the time and visibly freak out. Its 9:00 and we have an inner circle meeting at 9:30.

I quickly dress myself and style my hair before beginning down the curved marble staircase. I carefully brush my fingers across the intricately carved dark brown railing. A large crystal chandelier dangles from the roof. Its drilled into the dark brown borders that support the off-white roofing panels. The marble tiling on the floor perfectly transitions with the marble that the stairs are made of. I pace around the spacious room and wonder whether I should head into the kitchen or not. Theres a pretty good chance that a hungover Yoongi will yell at me if I enter the room. Y'know what that ain't even a kitchen anymore, right now it's essentially a chamber of death. Suga gets extremely grumpy when he is hungover. With his temper being shortened by the alcohol he becomes even more dangerous. He has killed people before when hes in that mood, I'm not taking any chances.

Instead of risking my life, I head into the butler's pantry and grab a banana. My shoes click against the tiled floors as I make my way to the foyer, across the living room and into our most casual meeting room.
The meeting room is lined with dark brown paneling and dimmed yellow lights. A medium sized live edge wood slab rests on welded black frames drilled into the floor. Three leather chairs are tucked into each long side of the table. The short ends only have one chair on each side.

I sigh and glance at the arrangement in front of me, specifically my seat. Well it's not really my seat but it is at the same time. All of bangtan's inner circle came to a wordless agreement on the seating arrangement. Namjoon sits at the head of the table next to the whiteboard and projector wall. Jin sits on the left outermost chair closest to RM. Yoongi has claimed the chair to the right of the leader. Next to Jin, in the middle seat, is Hoseok. Jimin sits next to Hoseok on the outside chair closest to the door. And finally, I sit beside Yoongi in the middle seat to Namjoon's right.
Pulling out my chair, I sink into the cushioned leather and quicky place my feet on top of the table.

I grip the stem of the banana and yank it downward to reveal my breakfast. Just as I hollow out my cheeks and begin to eat the banana Jimin walks into the room. He notices me and smirks before slipping me a quick wink , sitting down. The rest of the boys enter the room moments after. I drop my legs off the table and slip them into position under my chair. Luckily, RM was too occupied by his phone to notice. Yoongi takes his spot next to me and begins to sigh before taking out his phone as a distraction. He is quickly bored and scoffs while slamming his phone into the table. Everyone else completely absorbed in their own conversations, I shakily turn my head to glance at Suga. He catches my stare and scoffs whille grabbing my half-eaten banana. Before I have a chance to steal it back, Yoongi uses all of his strength to chuck it at the glass wall parallel to us.

"Dude what the hell is your problem?", I ask.

"Thats hyung to you!", he yells.

This caught the attention of everyone else at the table.

"I'm too hungover to put up with your bullshit so shut the fuck up before I shove that damn banana up both of your asses!", Jin exclaims. Jimin lets out a small windex laugh and hides his face from an unamused Seokjin.

Namjoon sighs and begins to speak in a calm but assertive voice,


"Lets begin".


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