6-Past,Present and Future

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I reach for my arm and squeeze my bicep as I feel a sharp object pierce my skin. That was a weak attempt to decrease the stinging sensation accompanied by a warm liquid trickling down my forearm. The deep red substance travels down my arm in a thin, yet unbreakable stream that feeds into a miniature pool of blood accumulating in the center of my pale and delicate palm.

I sigh and glance upwards at the mess accumulated in under ten seconds. Moments ago, I was discussing Mother's funeral plans with my half brother and Father. That is until we were rudely interrupted by the earth-shattering noises of our mansion being broken into. The window closest to our dining table is completely destroyed due to a bullet, the remaining glass is literally hanging on by a thread waiting to give in to the temptation of gravity itself.

These windows are supposed to be bulletproof. For Fuck's sake this whole house is supposed to be inpenetrable, a fortess, as my father would repeat. This house is indestructable my ass.

Suddenly flinching backwards, a second bullet pierces the remaining thin layer of glass, shooting miniature shards across the room. I stumble back as I feel an immobilizing pain climb up my neck and throughout my jaw. Reflexively, I reach upwards and blindly search for the catalyst of my sudden pain. I slowly glide my hand across my collarbone, immediately jerking it backward as I feel the first of hundreds of pieces of broken glass imbedded in my skin.

My limbs flex instinctively as I begin to crawl away from the nearly murderous scene I have found myself in. The dining hall is so quiet that I can hear the glass that litters the floor as it slides underneath the supposedly protective layer that coats my palms and entire skeleton. With each attempt to escape this death trap, the agony only increases.

I physically can't do this anymore.

Sighing, I crawl around the corner of the dining hall and into the foyer and settle into a position that somewhat represents a newborn.

What is going on right now?

We've never estimated this sequence of events.

A faint, breathy laugh escapes my mouth as I imagine how my father reacts to emergencies. Once whatever this is gets resolved he will isolate himself from me even further. It always happens and i'd bet my life the pattern will repeat once again.

What am I supposed to do now?

We have an emergency evacuation plan but I can't bring myself to think of that right now.

Looking around the empty room, I realize that nobody is here to offer assistance for the treatment of my current state.

I guess I'll just have to help myself.

Bringing my damaged pointer finger and thumb together I grip onto the glass lodged in my chest and maneuver it until it finally releases from the trap my body formed around it. I repeat this pattern until the majority of tear-catalysts are laying in a small pile on the dark hardwood floors.

I drop another piece of glass into the recently accumulated pile as I hear a loud voice fill the room. "JEON JUNGKOOK!!" the raspy, agressive voice screams.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU????", the voice booms throughout the entire residence. Immediately, I recognize my fathers voice calling out to me. I swear its loud enough to send vibrations throughout the entire mansion.

Scoffing, I slouch against the wall and close my eyes. I seriously do not have the energy to deal with my father right now.

My serene presence is suddenly corrupted by a calloused hand slapping me into consciousness. My eyes shoot open and I stare at my father in his disheveled state. I never imagined that I would see Jeon Su-yeon, the BiG ScArY MaFiA bOsS, looking as terrible as he does right now. His dark hair clings to his wrinkled forehead, displaying the true amount of perspiration on his skin. The once perfectly starched and pressed blue suit jacket is ripped near his left bicep and is covered in kinks and wrinkles. His matching pants are littered with tears and blood stains. Located on his left knee is a particularly large blood stain. Confused, I trail my eyes up the left side of his body and instinctively press my lips together as I take in the sight of my father with a gushing bullet wound located on his left shoulder. I am snapped out of my examination as my father tightly grabs my wrist and pulls me up in one swift sequence. After dragging me down the great hall, father opens the study door and throws me onto the ground behind his desk. He stomps towards the painting and removes it from the supporting hook before opening the keypad hidden by the art. Swiftly typing in the passcode, a large secret door opens in response. My father grabs my wrist once again and shoves me into the room, following quickly behind. He locks the door using several mechanisms and takes a seat on the bed before pulling out his phone and making some calls.

I didn't know we had a secret room. Why would he hide this from me? Its really nice too, but not quite to the degree of our mansion. It resembles a fancy hotel room and is surely built for a large group of people. I walk to the corner of the room and lay down on the daybead while staring at the patterns on the ceiling. Just before I fall asleep, I remember a major piece missing from the current picture ive found myself in.

Where is my brother?

I bolt to the door and begin to loudly pound on it, screaming for my brother to join us in our current state of safety. My father jumps from the bed as I scream louder and louder. He wraps his arms around my chest and holds me back as I thrash around for him to let me go.


I shoot upwards and immediately notice my quick shallow breaths. I take fast glances at my surroundings and sigh as I throw the covers off of my legs and make my way into the bathroom. I examine my under eyes and laugh at the dark circles that line them. I have been getting little sleep for the past few days due to my nightmares about my brother. The mere thought of him used to bring me to an inconsolable state. Over the years I've adjusted to his absence but if I'm being honest it still hurts. alot.

After my brother was killed in the invasion, things haven't been the same. The fact that my mom also passed months prior didn't provide any benefits for my mental state.

My brother was my only friend.

I miss him.

Ever since he died, Ive been trying to replace the connection we had with various staff members at our mansion and people within the inner circle of my father's "company" , but, sadly nothing worked.
However, I have accepted it at this point. I'll be alone forever. No matter how much you give, nobody ever stays, but that doesn't mean I will stop trying to get somebody to stay.

I sigh and glance at my phone. It reads 10:30.
I shut it down and close my eyes. I'm going to Bangtan's casino in 12 hours. I just hope some stereotypical mafia shit doesn't happen.


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