7- Stereotypical Mafia Shit Part 1

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Yoongi's POV:

I sat in our meeting room and sighed as I felt the overwhelming urge to yawn. I hold off on that though, Namjoon is currently talking and I don't want to make him feel like I don't care.

Who am I kidding? I just don't want an earfull from him about how I need more sleep. I hate it when people try to control me.

I stare at the tinted glass wall directly across from me and examine the faint smudges left from the banana. I was tasked to clean it up because apparently it was mY fAuLt , like Tae totally didn't piss me off with his loud ass chewing.

I examine the minimal dings and scratches that cover the outermost portion of the glass. That damage is probably due to the god of destruction himself, Kim Namjoon. To be completely honest, he's always slamming doors and cabinets and ends up breaking them at an alarming rate. It has gotten so bad that Bangtan hired a personal repairman. Don't get me wrong, Lucas is a great guy but he gets off kinda easy only doing repairs. How I would love to be in his position instead of ignoring the stack of papers on the table in front of me.

I finally bring my attention back to the matter that the rest of the group seems to be fully engrossed in. I quickly observe the collective energy as well as glance at the file that Namjoon is gripping. The file has transcripts of a conversation between two of Bangtans enemies. Park Jin-young and Bang Si-hyuk. The conversation between those two freaks details how they plan to TaKe uS doWn.

"Joon why are you so worried about what they are going to do. Jin-young and Si-hyuk are literally ancient. Hell, they can barely push around a shopping cart without pulling a damn muscle. What makes you think they can take us down?", I speak up.

Namjoon's eyes widen as he licks his lips and offers me a small smile, "Weak or not, those bastards are still competition. They tried to take everything from me. I think it's about time they get their wrinkly asses handed to them. Especially after what the did when I lost my father".

Namjoon sighs and directs his gaze at everything but the rest of our eyes. Fuck I might've struck a nerve with him. Hobi looks at me with a small smile and I automatically feel myself relax at his aura. I glance at his lips as he mouths "too harsh" , his lips occupied by a small but sympathetic frown.

Sighing, I look at Namjoon as he finally brings his attention back to us.
"Look Joon I didn't mean it like that-", I begin but get cutoff by his customer service voice telling me not to worry and that we should just continue.

We wrap up the meeting after going through our security system and measures recently put in place at all of our establishments, including the casino where we are meeting Jungkook later tonight. To be completely frank, I like Jungkook so far. He's really mature and intelligent for his age. Im looking forward to seeing how our alliance grows.



Yoongi's POV:

Time to get ready for the casino I guess. I sigh and rub my hands across my face while yawning. At least the casino is only open to clients, allies and approved guests. That way I won't have to break up another bullshit fight between some guy's wife and his mistress.

Checking my phone, the clock reads 8:30 and I quickly undress myself before putting on my robe. Once I tie the belt of my maroon velvet robe, I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower, straightening up my bedroom as the water adjusts itself to a suitable and tolerable temperature.

After about five minutes, I slip out of my robe and into the shower. The warm water relaxes my tense form as it cascades down my body. Placing my hands on the wall of the shower, I look downward and allow my hair to absorb the water. Wiping the reminants off of my chin and nose, I direct my attention to the clock on the wall. I still dont understand why Namjoon had the maids put that in my bathroom. At this point I think he did it to mock me because in his words "There is absolutely no way you are a grown man who doesn't know how to read a clock". Well he is wrong. Ive never been able to figure that bullshit out. I flash a glare at the judgemental face of the clock and do the tasks that make up my shower routine.

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