Chapter 10- Promises

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Jungkook's pov:

After driving on the main highway for about twenty five minutes, the train of cars ahead makes a left turn down a long road that is blocked off by a large electric gate. Namjoon hovers his upper body out of the driver's seat window as he places his finger on some sort of pad. A beeping noise sounds from the gate barriers as a loud metallic scraping fills the surrounding air. The gates are quickly swept open, leaving a space wide enough for a car to comfortably drive through. The train of cars make their way through the gates until it's finally my turn. I glance over at Taehyung, he is staring forward and by the rise and fall of his chest I can tell he is anxious. I reach over to his side and grab his hand in my own, rubbing slow and consistent circles on the back of his hand. Tae looks at me with a gentle and kind expression before scrunching his nose and turning away. Quiet sniffles come from the right side of the car and I do a quick mirror check before noticing a teary-eyed Taehyung looking back at me. Immediately pulling to the side of the road, I watch the rest of the cars ahead of me continue until they are out of sight.

Turning to Taehyung, I look at him with a sympathetic expression plastered on my face. "Whats wrong?? Are you alright? Do you wanna talk about it?", I ask.

He doesnt answer my question so I move the seat backward and pat my lap for him to come sit with me. I've always been better at physically comforting people and this method usually works with the members of ateez. Taehyung quickly crawls over the console and forces his body into my embrace as I can feel his form shake underneath me. I slowly raise my right hand to rub gentle, comforting circles across his shoulder blades. His breathing quickens and his body begins to shake, his head nuzzling closer into my neck. Hearing the tiny sniffles that erupt from him break my heart and I can feel tears well up in my eyes. Taehyung continues to cry as he moves his head further up my neck and across my chest. Gently, I place my palms on either side of his face and I take a deep breath,exaggerating my movements so he takes the hint and breathes with me. After about five minutes, Taehyung begins to calm down. I adjust my grip on his face and pull him forward to place a chaste but loving kiss on his forehead. I flash him a bright smile and ask, "Why were you crying Tae?".

Taehyung locks eyes with me before taking another deep breath. He stutters and I can almost see the thoughts in his head as he strategically forms his words. It's as if he is trying to make sure I can't use whatever information he is about to say against him.
He takes a deep breath before speaking in a nasally and sad voice. "He...he...that man... he raped me... and then", his speech was interrupted by a gut-wrenching sob. I felt tears well up in my eyes as his body shakes even faster. He starts to mutter, "I like you and seeing him make you so uncomfortable brought me back to what happened-". I interrupt Tae by shushing him and then pulling him closer into my chest. "I'm so sorry Jungkook, you shouldn't have been dragged into this", Tae whispers.

"Hey don't worry, ok? I wanted to get close with you guys. Now that I've gotten to know you I can't imagine declining that alliance. Don't apologize sweetheart, you haven't done anything to me", I reply.

Tae whimpers in a barely-audible and shaky voice, "Thank you Kookie". In response I place a gentle kiss on his forehead and tighten my arms around his fragile frame.

Shifting the car into drive, I stretch my foot so as to not disturb a grieving Taehyung. I continue to drive down the long driveway and follow the lights along the side of the road. After ten minutes of driving up mountains and taking huge turns, I reach a huge mansion that seems vaguely familiar from last time I was here. I place the gear shift into park and take the keys out of the car. Slipping the keys into my pocket, I pick up Taehyung and grab his hand once he stabilizes. His hands are shaking but really warm, probably because they were wrapped around my neck for the last twenty minutes. I catch Taehyung's drowsy gaze and I lift our linked hands into the air before pressing a love-laced kiss on the back of his hand. He flashes me a weak and boxy smile that makes me feel like crying and kissing him at the same time.

We walk up to the front door and I lean over and tell him to head up to his room. He nods and begins up a flight of stairs down the hall. I walk into the main living room and I am met with millions of confused eyes. I lock eyes with Namjoon and nod at him before heading in the direction I had just sent Tae. I hear Namjoon speak as I leave the room, "So, about what happened tonight...".

After making my way up the stairs I frantically searched for Taehyung's bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief and headed towards a room at the end of the hall that is filled with a dim purple light. I speed down the hallway before opening the door just enough to allow me space to squeeze through. I quickly shut the door behind me and turned around to find a shirtless Taehyung lying on the bed in a tiny ball. Taking off my shoes, I sit on top of the duvet and quietly speak up, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?".

Taehyung frantically nods his head and I chuckle before taking off my shirt and pants. I slip inside of the silk bed sheets and Taehyung immediately clings to me like a baby koala. Taehyung slowly starts to explain himself though he is interrupted by harsh shudders of his body.

"He killed my mom after my dad left. Him and my dad were enemies so he figured he could get back at my dad by killing my mom", Taehyung muttered, his already short breaths faltering every few words. "When my dad didn't react, he took me, he raped me until I was fifteen, my mom died when I was seven", he finished.

I felt my heart shatter at his explanation and I knew there was one thing I had to do. Reaching my left hand across my chest, I grabbed Taehyung's jawline and positioned his face to look at me. He gave me a quizzical look before I smashed my lips into his with the most passion I could muster. He quickly responded by moving his lips against mine before breaking into a frown.

I look into his eyes and whisper, "You will never be alone, I'll stay by your side until death, I will protect you Tae, always, I will give up my life for you, I promise".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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