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Monday 4:43 pm.

Kurin: no one go to the carpark in town

Kurin: seriously don't

Magnus: The big one?

Kurin: yeah especially you don't go

Magnus: I'm already there.

Kurin: oh for fuck's sake

Kurin: where are you? I don't see you

Magnus: 5th floor.

Kurin: omw

Monday 5:02 pm.

Riot: wtf are you two on about?

Kurin: some criminal thing/fight in the carpark idk what it is but it's funny

Magnus: There are two gangs fighting eachother.

Kurin: yeah that

Riot: why did you tell Magnus to stay away?

Kurin: he's an idiot when it comes to not getting involved with dangerous situations

Kurin: especially ones that involve criminals

Magnus: You can't count to ten, shut up.

Kurin: I can

Magnus: Do it right now in real life.

Riot: you can't voice record it?

Magnus: No need. He already failed.



Riot: it's so easy as well like even babies can do it

Riot: how do you not know???

Riot: ... why did Magnus just go offline 🤨

Riot: and Kurin's being a bitch and ignoring me

Riot: I see how it is then

Riot: seeya

Monday 6:17 pm.

Aay: yo i was at work what happened

Aay: i went on my phone and see "and kurins being a bitch and ignoring me"

Aay: was there a fight with u guys

Riot: Magnus and Kurin called eachother stupid I made fun of Kurin then got ignored by both of them

Aay: oh shitttt

Magnus: What the fuck? We weren't ignoring you.

Magnus: When Kurin miscounted up to ten he yelled out of anger and both gangs heard and thought we were backup for the gang they weren't a part of.

Aay: y didnt u just fight them like u normally would

Magnus: There was twelve of them, all older and also Kurin was there scared half to death...

Riot: so like what happened?

Magnus: We were just there for ages waiting for them to figure out we're not from either gang then just as one of them said something along the lines of "We should beat them up anyway as they're witnesses." We ran.

Riot: YOU ran away from a fight? 🤯

Magnus: Yeah because Kurin seemed likely to throw up from fear if we stayed there any longer.

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