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Thursday 3:48 pm.

haha cheeseburger

Ajit added Magnus to the group!

Dan: hi Kurin!!

Magnus: I'm not Kurin. What the hell is this?

Ajit: ah crap sorry I added the wrong contact

Ajit added Kurin to the group!

Magnus: How do you manage to get the contacts mixed up?

Ajit: you're just next to eachother in my contacts I clicked the wrong one

Magnus: Right. Can I leave?

Ajit: sure but you could stay if you want

Magnus: No thank you.

Magnus left the group!

Dan: lol who was that, for me they're just unknown number

Kurin: how are mine and Magnus's contact names next to eachother?

Ajit: emojis

Kurin: oh


Kurin: yeah

Dan: oh cool! I didn't know his number I'm gonna add it to my contacts

Ajit: don't spam him, he will block you

Wynton: send him the image of the bedbugs!!


Shun: How about we don't troll people..?

Dan: but the bedbugs Shun :( the bedbugs :(

Thursday 3:55 pm.

The second exit.

Aay: happy 1 week of this gc existing :3

Riot: oh nice

Magnus: Not nice.

Kurin: Dan has your number

Magnus: Obviously. He doesn't know it's me though.

Kurin: yes he does

Magnus: Oh fuck.

Riot: what's going on?

Kurin: Ajit tried to add me to a gc, messed up and added Magnus instead. Dan found out that the person Ajit added was Magnus and saved his number and now Shun's trying to convince Dan not to send Magnus some meme of bedbugs that Wynton showed him

Magnus: Instant block.

Kurin: yeah I figured

Riot: wow that sounds chaotic

Aay: yep lmao

Magnus: I hate it.

Kurin: we know

Riot: so should we just wait for Dan to message Magnus then have Magnus and Kurin update on the potential argument?

Magnus: No. There's not going to be an argument or a conversation, it's going to be an instant block.

Riot: tell us what he said when you block him though!! it should be pretty funny

Riot: anyway anyone got anything to share?

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