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26 BBY, Coruscant

Kendall pressed the button to activate her lightsaber, watching the teal colored blade hiss to life before getting into a ready stance opposite her master, Ki Adi Mundi.

Then she attacked. The blades hummed and whirred as the two began their little sparring session. Over the past 6 years since she had first started training under Mundi, Kendall had grown substantially strong in both her physical prowess and connection to the Force.

Well, not as strong as others such as Anakin. She remembered being bested in a match with him the previous week, using a certain acrobatic move she had considered overkill and over the top.

"It's not over the top," Anakin had retorted. "It's classy."

Classy, my foot, She thought before executing a force push to break the bladelock. She then assumed a defensive position.

Circling her, her master gave her a satisfied smile. "You're learning well."

"You know I'm a quick learner." Kendall flicked her blade like a wand before resuming her Soresu stance. It still needed a bit of work, but she considered it decent for the time being.

"Good. It will benefit you in many ways if that is so." With that, Mundi's blade connected with hers, and the match continued. After about half an hour of this, Kendall felt the jarring up her forearms- a sign that someone had to end the fight. So she did.

Force pushing Mundi into the wall just hard enough to knock his lightsaber out of his hand, she pointed the tip of her own at his face. "Gotcha."

He slowly raised his hands in defeat, and Kendall retracted her weapon before holstering it. As she was relieving the tension in her biceps, Mundi spoke. "Next time, I would suggest watching your opponent to the end."

"Why is that?" Kendall asked, raising her brow.

"In case he makes a surprise attack." Mundi rose, retrieving his lightsaber hilt. "In other words, don't immediately lower your guard. Now come. It's best to continue training once you have refueled yourself."

Hearing those words suddenly made Kendall realize how hungry she was, and she nodded. "Yes, master. "

She followed Mundi inside to the temple refectories.


"Guys~! I have news~!" Eli turned to see Avisa skipping over to the group with her food. She sat down next to him, Knox, Suvi, Toni and Ahsoka. Odyn, Barriss, and Eliezer distanced themselves from the others since their Initiate Trials were right around the corner, and they were concerned about being selected by a master more than they were of the company of their clan.

"What news?" Knox asked.

"Well, the Gathering's right around the corner!" Avisa said, clapping her hands together excitedly. "We're gonna build our lightsabers! Yay!"

"Really?!" Eli asked, eyes widening.

"Yeah!" Avisa nodded fervently. "Real lightsabers! Finally!"

"We get your point," Knox said with a huff. "Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited too."

"You just have a different way of showing it?" Toni asked. Knox nodded before 2 younger Initiates could be heard squabbling in the distance.

"Oh, it's them again," Toni groaned. "Always fighting over something."

"Who do you mean by them?" Eli asked.

"2 younger Initiates," Toni tossed her cinnamon colored hair behind her before letting out a sigh of exasperation. "Ever since I saw them, they were always bickering, bickering, bickering. And here we are, 5 years later. Hopefully they'll start getting along once they've taken their Initiate Trials."

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