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21 BBY, Space

It had passed a year since the 1st Battle of Geonosis. And it had been one hell of a year.

Since Geonosis, the 91st had been deployed to countless worlds, including Ord Mantell, Ryloth, Dantooine, and Malastare. Throughout the time period, there were good times and bad times. Some battles were won, and some battles, such as the one on Mapuzo, were lost. But through it all, they stuck together, as did any other regiment in the Grand Army of the Republic.

Now their services were rewarded with a moment of peace, as the Endurance cruised through the Sertar sector. A group of clone cadets were expected to show up for a tour, and not everyone seemed happy to hear that. But Dean didn't mind. Teaching came easily to him... if he had to teach.

"So we're getting a group of kids?" A shiny named Killjoy muttered as he and his brothers were lining up along the entrance to the jet bridge. "This isn't how I'd expect to enjoy my time off."

"Clearly, you haven't seen the Commander," Sketcher quipped.

"You mean Ponds?"


"Shut up, you two," Dean snapped. "They're coming any minute now. You wouldn't want Crasher to hear you talking crap about them."

"Crasher?" Sketcher repeated. "You mean, one of those guys who teach outfits in the Youth Brigade?"

Dean raised a brow. It was all he could do while standing at attention. "What, you know him too?"

Sketcher nodded. "Him and Dicer."

"Ah, Dicer," Oreo piped in. "Haven't seen him in a while."

"Interesting... now shut it." As he said that, the doors hissed open, and in came Crasher and his cadets. Dean could tell that the cadets were amazed... wait...

Holy kriff.

No one ever told him that there were female cadets!


Jia, designated as Cadet 0706, was one of a few female clones among millions of her brothers. Nala Se had said that there were a few others like her, but so far, she only knew 2 others- Omega and this other one, Noble. But they were back on Kamino, like they always were.

Jia, on the other hand, was part of the Clone Youth Brigade; and certainly the only girl there. Of course, she got her load of bullying from her brothers, Whip and Hotshot. But other than with those two, it was safe to say that Jia was accepted nevertheless. And besides, she was stronger than those 2 jerks... well, stronger than Hotshot, at least.

Now, on a day that she thought would be like any other, her outfit was visiting a Jedi Cruiser. Jia decided she wouldn't take her time marveling at the fully grown troopers lining the hallway like the others (minus the new guy, Lucky). Sure, she admired them. She really did. But one wrong move could set off another chain reaction like the one in that training course 2 weeks ago. She didn't want that happening on the first cruiser tour of her life. This trip had to go perfectly if she was to make it out as a real soldier.

She tried to listen to General Skywalker's speech the best she could, but the only thing she got was, "... You will have a chance to serve..."

Why was the padawan staring at her? She blinked, trying to imagine him away. It didn't work. Finally, a clone commander came over to relay an order.

"Another time, then," Skywalker said before the 3 Jedi turned and left. Jia let out a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong, Jia?" Hotshot whispered in a singsong voice. "You got a crush on someone~?"

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