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The Battle of Coruscant ended with a decisive victory to the Republic. The Separatists were driven out, and Chancellor Palpatine was rescued.

Nevertheless, many were lost in the battle, and the cleanup took hours, yet it was done in a matter of 1 day. Things were pretty much back to normal for the Jedi... discussing the war, checking on the clones, training in the Temple. Well, it wasn't normal, exactly. It had been for the past 3 years, however.

Of the 6 remaining friends, 3 were left at the Temple after the Battle of Coruscant. The other 3? Eliezer was on a recon mission to Saleucami with his master, Stass Allie after the conflict there. Caleb was left on Kaller with his master, Depa Billaba. Leda and her master, Kendall Chance, had promptly been reassigned to Bespin soon after the aftermath of Coruscant.

Which left Odyn, Ferren, and Eli.

Odyn and Ferren, Eli was certain of it, were being complete idiots now that they were 18 and 19, respectively. Well, Ferren a bit less, but still. The 2 of them apparently thought it was ok to sneak away to Moshi's Bar, pretend they're 21, and hope no master was there to catch them? Whenever that happened, Eli would stay at the speeder... unless there was a bar fight, of course. Then he'd go watch the chaos.

Fortunately, no one was in the mood to go to a bar at the moment, or take a speeder on a joyride around the planet (which would have been better than going to a bar). Instead, the boys were training in the courtyard... well, competing for who could hold R5 in the air with the Force the longest, anyway.

"115... 116... 117... 118 seconds," Eli counted, watching Ferren finish bouncing R5 in the air. "Wow."

Ferren dropped R5, making sure he landed upright. "I'm that focused, guys."

"Sure, you are," Odyn quipped.

"Oh, why don't you try it then?" Ferren shot back.

"Oh, I will!" Odyn extended his hand out, and R5 was once again levitating. "No cheating, Barr."

"What makes you think I'll cheat?"

"You know what you do."

"I do what?"

"You know, give commentary-" A loud CLANG was heard, and the next thing Eli knew, R5 had fallen to the ground with a loud squeal. Odyn glared at Ferren. "And you did it again."

"That's your own fault you got distracted, Rendas," Ferren replied with a smirk.

Odyn scowled. "Oh, is it now?"

"Pipe it down, guys," Eli chided. "If you guys are caught fighting again it won't be nice."

"My master's in a Council meeting," Odyn replied. "We'll be fine."

"Speak for yourself," Ferren muttered.

Eli rolled his eyes. Oh, boy...

R5 beeped in annoyance. Who ever said I wanted to hang out with these 2 doofuses? C'mon, I'm pretty sure Master Windu wanted us for the Outer Rim briefing.


19 BBY, Bespin

"Master Windu, may I interrupt?" Commander Cody popped into view around the holotable a few minutes after Kendall finished her report on the campaign on Bespin. "General Kenobi and Commander Valorum have made contact with General Grievous, and we have begun our attack."

"Thank you, Commander." Windu turned to Anakin. "Anakin, deliver this report to the Chancellor. His reaction will give us a clue to his intentions."

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