115 3 2

20 BBY, Devaron

The pathway to the Temple of Eedit was full of thickets and vines that blocked the sunlight. Knox wondered how Avisa would have spent her early days on this planet; jungles weren't for him. 

"How much longer until we arrive?" He asked his master.

"Only a mile or two," Was his response. Knox sighed, brushing another vine out of his way. The fog was starting to condense on his tunic, and the vines dropped more dew onto him. He made sure to step over the ones on the ground- they could be alive for all he knew.

After about 30 minutes, the vines cleared to reveal a foggy view of a building, which Knox assumed was the Temple. Indeed, clones were already there on guard. The captain approached them and saluted.

"What happened here?" Commander Trauma asked, stepping forward.

 "We fought off one wave of clankers an hour ago," The captain reported. "We're waiting to see if another's coming, but so far, the coast is clear."

"We must stay on alert at all times," Halsey said firmly. "We never know when they'll arrive. Commander Trauma- you will take command of the frontlines."

"Yes, sir."

"Knox- you and I will guard the Temple gates."

"Understood, master."

"Good. Everyone to their posts." Knox followed his master to the front steps, his hand on his lightsaber as if the second wave was already here. It probably was, and he just didn't sense it yet.

Oh, wait... now he did. The soft, but growing sound of them approaching caused his fingers to tighten around the hilt of his lightsaber, his thumb fingering the on/off switch anxiously. Clank, clank, they came, louder by the second. Halsey switched on his lightsaber, and Knox did the same. The green and blue rods of light immediately sprang from their metal hilts, ready to fend off the enemy fire.

Which came before the droids even revealed themselves. A few clones went down, and Trauma ordered the rest to open fire. The road soon was filled with clones, droids, and lasers that came from their weapons. Lasers that were blocked by Halsey and Knox's lightsabers one by one. A few battle droids managed to make it to the stairs, only to be cut down before they took even one step. Glancing at the fallen droid, Knox turned his attention to the rest of its comrades. That was when he noticed another shuttle landing.

More reinforcements? He wondered, deflecting yet another blaster bolt. But it couldn't be reinforcements; that shuttle didn't look like it could fit enough in there. Maybe there were more shuttles behind it. But why didn't he sense more...?

The ramp opened, and out came one lone... Zabrak? He appeared to be a Dathomirian, with long horns and yellow tattoos. He was clad in black armor and wielded a black spear. 

Surely he wasn't the reinforcements? 

The stranger in black proceeded to run towards the Temple, knocking battle droids aside and taking a few shots to the chest, which, to Knox's shock, did no significant damage. The stranger in black then cut down 2 clones, prompting the rest to concentrate fire on him. Not that it affected him much, as clones were sent flying left and right... literally. Seconds later, Trauma's body hit the dirt, and Knox resisted the urge to cry out, instead focusing on keeping the droids in close proximity away. 

But the stranger in black wasn't finished. After the last droid had been eliminated, he stalked towards Halsey and Knox. 

"Jedi," He snarled.

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