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Late 21 BBY, Coruscant

The death of Commander Ponds made way for a number of changes for the 91st Reconnaissance Corps, and not all of them were for the better.

For one, Slender was promoted to the rank of Captain. The reason for this was that the 91st was not just under Windu's command. Adi Gallia also led her own division within the regiment, and Ponds' replacement, Neyo fought in it beside her. Someone in Windu's division therefore needed a promotion, so Slender got it.

As for Dean, words couldn't express how much he had been impacted by Ponds' death. Long story short, after a sorrowful night at 79's, he ended up deserting, despite Eli's protests and pleas to stay. The boys would be ok; they still had Patcher.

So what did Dean do now? Well, he ran a clinic in the Underworld with his assistant, Brie Ugderan. It wasn't much, just a small place with an office, some hospital beds, and 2 bacta tanks. Yet he had so many clients come daily to get treated that he couldn't help but raise the medical bills to 10,000 credits instead of 5,000. Most of them were workers who had gotten into accidents; Dean was treating one at the moment, in fact.

"Would you be careful next time, so that you don't get that leg busted up so badly that you can't use it again?"

"Of course, thank you."

"No biggie. That'll be 10,000 please."

After the man paid and left, it was time to close. Putting away his supplies, Dean heaved a sigh before walking over to flip the front sign. As he did, he heard 2 clones gossiping. "What're you two talking about?"

"Oh, just... news," The 1st one mumbled.

"What kind of news-?"

"About Kamino."

"What about Kamino? Is there something going on?"

"Oh, there's something going on," The 2nd clone replied. "The Separatists are planning an attack on Kamino, I heard. All I know, it's gonna be a big fight."

"As it should," The 1st clone added. "No one attacks our planet and gets away with it."

They walked off, leaving Dean standing there in the night. An attack on Kamino? Impossible...

But it was very much possible. Kamino produced the Republic's soldiers, and if the production was halted... then the Seppers would have a huge advantage.

It truly would be a big fight indeed.


Late 21 BBY, Kamino

Kamino. Never had Kendall thought the Separatists would have the nerve to attack Kamino of all places. It was a Republic world, meaning it was off limits to the droid army, who mainly targeted neutral worlds in order for them to side with the Separatists.

She had never thought her fleet would have to reinforce Kamino's blockade. Wasn't Anakin and Obi Wan's forces enough?

What am I thinking, of course they'll need all the help they can get, She thought as she stared out into the vast expanse, anticipating the dreadnoughts to pop out of hyperspace at any moment. While the Resolute went down to drop Obi Wan and Anakin off at Tipoca City, Kendall had opted to stay behind on the Destiny. Of course, she could have left it in Admiral Ivel's capable hands, but someone had to stay behind with the fleet.

Speaking of Ivel, she was finally back in service after a year long hiatus, having acquired a nanny droid to watch her daughter. Rampart went back to Chan's fleet and regained command of the Fae. Kendall hated to admit it, but he had managed the fleet quite well, and she could see why his wife had chosen him to take over in her absence. Perhaps one day he could be promoted to Admiral. That being said, she never liked his blunt demeanor.

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