Day Out

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 "Do I have to go?" Frisk had been curled up on the couch with Sans, a rare event, since the captain always seemed to have something to do.

"Yes, now come on! There's a ball later tonight, you need a dress, and you have to be there. You also promised we'd go out sometime. Well, sometime is now." Frisk groaned and used the skeleton under her as leverage to get herself up.

"duties call, princess. too bad... i was enjoying our time together." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"COME ON... GET DRESSED, WE HAVE SOME SHOPPING TO GET DONE." Papyrus' voice interrupted whatever complaint she had, and she shot a glare at the younger skeleton.

"Why are we bringing the moody bone bag when Sans isn't coming?" Sans rolled his eyelights at her nickname for his brother, and Chara simply looked at her innocently.

"Well, we need a man's perspective, and Sans has his own preparations for tonight's festivities." Frisk quirked an eyebrow, but she decided to head to her room so she could put on something more appropriate, regardless.

"if you're expecting honesty from papyrus, you're the wrong person to look for it. he worships the ground you walk on, and anything he says to you will be biased. it's also not very fair to lady frisk. after all, it's well known that the two don't get along, and i'm sure that my brother would love an excuse to get under her skin." Papyrus gave a little huff at being called out like that, but it's not like he denied it.


"I'll only know that you're being genuine if you don't have that stupid, smug grin on your face. Otherwise, I'll probably assume you're being sarcastic." Frisk had thrown on a large sweater over the tank top she had on and grabbed some combat boots.

"We should probably go before Frisk changes her mind, so we'll see you later, Sans!" Chara grabbed Frisk's arm and dragged her out of the house.

"DON'T WORRY... WE'LL KEEP HER ENTERTAINED. JUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO."Papyrus nudged Sans' shoulder and followed the girls.

"have fun..."


Papyrus had decided to take the car, so while he and Chara were chatting up a storm, Frisk couldn't help but wonder what a day out with Sans would be like. She wanted to picture the hypothetical scenario of a day all to themselves, and while she knew they both liked couch cuddles, she also knew that they both wanted an actual date.

With how proper he is, he'd wear that deep plum suit she liked, and perhaps, she had a dress in the same color tucked away in the back of her closet that she could wear. He'd probably borrow bone bag's car, and he'd take them to one of the fancier restaurants that allowed monsters. He might even take them to one of the restaurants that didn't allow for monsters, since dating the crowned princess had its perks. If he did that, she'd have to put a stop to it, but she had a feeling that he wouldn't put up too much of a fight. She smiled when she thought about the blush that adorned his face when he drank wine and realized that she would probably be the designated driver, not that Papyrus would approve of her driving his car. They'd probably go see a movie; Sans was a sucker for a good rom-com but would never admit it. As the night wound down, they'd head home and cuddle on the couch, maybe falling asleep in that position. Even after waking up with various kinks in her muscles, Frisk had a hunch she wouldn't care because she would have spent the previous night with her favorite person.

Of course, this was all hypothetical, but Frisk kept smiling all the same.

"Come on, Frisky! We don't have nearly as much time as I would like, so we have to be fast." Frisk sighed but left the solitude the car provided and just hoped that there wouldn't be too many people around.

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