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A green field speckled with a variety of wild flowers, stretched out beyond the horizon, and a young woman stood in the middle of it, wind whipping through her hair. She turned to look at the man behind her, throwing a smile at him that made his soul skip.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?" She started sprinting through the field, waving for him to follow her.

He couldn't move; he couldn't pick up his feet. He wanted to follow her; he had to. He looked down to see what was keeping him pinned. As far as he could tell, it was nothing.

The woman, his wife, kept running. She faded into the distance, and then, he fell...

A sinister grin loomed over him, a neon red against the black void that surrounded him. A giggle erupted through his skull; it echoed against the seemingly nonexistent walls, trapping him. He tried to go back to the field, tried to go back to his wife. Unfortunately, the void decided to answer his prayers and brought her to him. She was different...

A knife was in her hand, coated in what appeared to be a thin layer of dust. A smile that wasn't hers was etched onto her face, menacing and pained. Her clothing had changed from the floral print dress she had been wearing to the clothes he had first met her in. Perhaps the most unsettling part was the black goo that ran from her eyes, dripping onto her clothes.

He nearly took a step away, desperate to get away, but like in the field, his feet were glued to the spot. She walked closer to him, the knife glinting a crimson red. His eyes went dark; he tried to summon his magic, even a pathetic bone, anything. Much like his feet, nothing else seemed to be working either.

"Why do you look so scared, Sans? Don't you love me?" The knife scraped under his chin before she made him look her in the eyes.

"you're not her... you're not, frisk." He was surprised that he managed to speak.

"If I'm not her, then who am I? Silly, comedian." Her smile grew wider...

"you're the-"

"Ah-ah, I never said you were allowed to speak." She cut him off by edging the blade closer to his trachea.

"I think I want to play with you a little longer... Playing with Frisky has grown a bit stale." She started to back away, giggling to herself as she parted from her toy.

Sans was helpless as he watched the twisted visions the demon wanted him to see. He watched as Frisk turned all of their friends to dust; he had to watch her decapitate his brother. He screamed and screamed, and he promised to himself that as soon as he was able, he would make this demon pay.

Eventually, his captor seemed to grow bored of him, the smile still on her face. She walked back up to him.

"I think I'll release you now... You've grown predictable. Do what you wish..." The grin didn't leave her face as his magic flared. She was faster and had her knife through his sternum before he could manage to get away.


"Sans!" A woman in a nightgown sat against the back of his bed; her eyes were wide with fear.

"stop wearing her face, or i'll make you." He chuckled a bit manically and let tears drip past his broken smile.

A gaster blaster hovered in front of the woman's face, a beam of energy already being formed. Her eyes shifted to Sans, and a sad smile accompanied her closing eyes. Before Sans could commit to blasting the woman's face off, he felt a tug at the center of his soul. The woman's hand had made its way to the blaster's nasal ridge, and instead of the shock that should have come with the intimacy of having his magic touched, it felt soothing. He soon melted into the feeling, finally realizing he was no longer in danger, and the nightmare he had gone through was just that, a nightmare.

"frisk... i-i... i'm so sorry... i nearly killed you... i wanted to..." She looked shocked for a split second, before sighing and scooting closer to him on their bed.

"Were they there?" She looked at him, not really needing an answer.

"yeah..." He brought his knees to his chest.

"They've been giving me those dreams, too." He looked at her to see her head bowed and pain behind her eyes.

"why did you never tell me?" She shrugged, looking away from him.

"There's no way to get rid of them, and it was isolated to me. Guess they thought our happiness needed more drama." She gave small laugh.

"what do you propose we do now?" She looked at the ceiling as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"I don't know... It's not like we can just take medicine to keep us from dreaming. These are attacks on our souls. I don't have any ideas." Sans gave her a small smile as he pulled her closer so she'd have to look at him.

"well, how about, for now, we just comfort each other? i don't really think there is a solid solution for us, so i guess, we just have to deal with the aftermath of whatever they do?" Frisk snuggled closer to him and buried her face in his shirt.

"Yeah... I think I can do that. I don't think I want to go to back to sleep tonight, though." Sans kissed her forehead and chuckled a bit.

"who said you need to? i don't really want to go back to sleep either." Frisk laughed a little and raised her head to look at him.

"Wanna watch some movies, instead? I'll get the popcorn, you drag the comforter to the couch?" He squeezed her a bit tighter before agreeing.

"what movie you thinking of?" He got up from the bed and started gathering up the massive comforter Toriel had made for them as a wedding gift.

"IT? I know it's a horror movie, but with the jokes you make about it, I can't help but laugh at it with you. That's what I really need right now, a laugh." Sans gave her a large smile.

"well, making others laugh happens to put me in better mood, too, so i think i can do that." She returned the smile, and they both descended the stairs together.

Frans Week (2022)Where stories live. Discover now