Valentine's Day

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 "Hey, do you guys celebrate Valentine's Day?" Frisk floated upside-down, in front of the asteroid Sans was sitting on, with a quizzical look on her face.

"what's valentine's day?" Sans raised a skeptical brow before pulling the floating human down to sit next to him.

"Guess that answers my question!" She let out a small giggle that made Sans' eyelights turn to hearts, which was a typical occurrence around her, so she didn't question the look he gave her.

"It's something we celebrated back on Earth, and I was wondering if you guys do, too." Sans jumped a little when he heard bring up her old home.

"why are you bringing it up? are you homesick?" His face grew serious with a slight edge of sadness and bitterness nestled in his usually cheerful voice.

"Stars, no! I didn't even really celebrate it myself. No one would have wanted to be my Valentine anyway..." She paused for a second longer than she meant to. "Um, as I was going to say. Valentine's Day is just to celebrate the people you care about. You give cards, sweets, and flowers to the people you love."

"oh. so, if you were to give a card to tori or paps, they'd be your valentines?" Sans' demeanor completely changed once he was sure Frisk wouldn't be going anywhere; he wasn't sure his soul would be able to handle her leaving.

"Kind of. I mean, I view it as a more romantic holiday, so I think I'd want to give them something more friendly. I would probably give them something sweet with a little card that was less personal than what I'd give someone I had more romantic feelings for. Does that make sense?" Her head was lowered, so she had to glance up at him.

"so, if someone were to give you flowers, sweets, and a personalized card, you would think it was a more romantic gesture?" He had turned his head away from her to try to hide his blush and couldn't tell if he had succeeded.

"Yeah. Exactly that, but I wouldn't want the sweets. I've never had the biggest sweet tooth." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and had also turned away to hide her own blush.

They both sat on the asteroid like that for what felt like hours until they were interrupted by the ringing of Frisk's phone. Frisk made a mad dash to get it out of her pocket, knowing that it was Toriel calling.

"Hey! Yeah, I'll be over in a few minutes. Love you, too! See you soon!" She glanced at Sans as he looked at her expectantly.

"Sorry, she didn't tell me what it was about, but I'm planning on going over to your place later anyway. Paps said he had something planned for me, whatever that is, so I'll see you later!" Frisk started up her jet pack and headed over to Toriel's place.

"see ya!" As soon as Frisk was out of sight, Sans made a call to his younger brother.

"hey, bro! what did you need frisk for later, and do you mind if i steal her from you for tonight?" His foot started tapping the asteroid that he still sat on.


"what feelings are you talking about, bro? we're just friends." He could hear Papyrus sigh heavily on the other side of the line.

"SANS, YOUR EYELIGHTS TURN INTO HEARTS WHENEVER SHE'S AROUND. I WOULD SAY I'M SURPRISED SHE HASN'T CAUGHT ON YET, BUT THIS HAPPENS EVERY TIME, SO I CAN'T BLAME HER, TOO MUCH." Sans tried to fight the blush that was crawling its way up his cheekbones, but to one's surprise, he miserably failed.

"okay, fine! that was kind of the plan anyway... she told me about this earth holiday, and now, i want her to experience the romantic side of what she talked about." He tried to sink into his the poofiness of his jacket, wanting to disappear the more he thought about actually telling her how much he liked her.

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