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I stood back up, eyes still on Steve as I slid past him, making sure to brush my palms and fingers across his hard stomach as I passed.

Fuck, so hard and rippled. Washboard abs. Lickable.

Fucking shit.

I bit my bottom lip to keep my thoughts to myself as I bent again, ass out and wiggled just a tad as I surveyed the snacks.

Classic Lays, check. Oreos, yes ma'am. Oh, they have donuts-

I still. Eyes wide.

Is that a hand on my ass?

I whirl around and am shocked to see Natasha with a giant grin on her face.

What a bitch.

"Fucker," I grumble, swatting her hand away and turning back around.

"You ran the boys off," she murmured as she turned and leaned against the counter by the snack shelves, she glanced down and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," I hum, surveying the shelves idly, not really taking any information in.

"Spill it," she kicked out a leg and smacked me in the ass. I rolled my eyes and stood up, glancing around to make sure we were alone before turning my attention to me.

"I may or may not have flashedmynakedbodytoBucky, oh look you have candy," I quickly skipped to the second set of shelves to snatch up three boxes and throw them down in the basket by her.

"What?" she asked slowly.

I moved only my eyes to the right, where I could see Nat in my peripheral, for only a split second and continued shuffling around, stalling. She called my bluff, though. Damn. I forgot how good she was at that. Sigh. Well.. Fuck it.

"Okay, so... I was upstairs taking a shower and right as I got out, someone knocked on the door. But the towel I'd grabbed wasn't long enough to fully wrap about my body..." I explained very quickly so Natasha couldn't squeeze a word in edgewise. "Bucky had brought me some Stroganoff and I went to close the door with the hand that was holding the towel... forgetting that that's all I was wearing, you know.. because I'm a dumbass sometimes? Yeah. Well... Bam. Towel fell. Bucky's eyes were like," I said and imitated the beautiful man, causing Natasha to giggle practically the whole story. "And now he's poking fun."

"Honestly, out of anyone in this building Bucky is the one that needs to be laid the most," Natasha took it in stride, after her giggle fit had subsided. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and leaned forward.

"I would so do that for him," I answered her, eyes wide. It sent her into another fit of giggles.

She thinks I'm joking but I'd ride that man like a freight train bound for hell.

"I bet you would," she gasped out between giggles, every time she looked at me she began again. Tears were welling up in her eyes.

"Kinda rude, you're laughing that hard," I try not to take offense but damn, five minutes is clearly the line.

"It's not just that," she waved her hands in front of her face, using calming breaths to try and stop the giggles. "It's just- Steve asked me if you were single earlier."

And then she fell forward laughing.

Oh, hysterical. Two really hot male models want to hitch a ride on this love train and she-


"Steve?" I asked, unsure.

"Yep," she squealed with another round of uncontrollable laughter. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the opposite counter as her, my eyes wandering the area to make sure her witch cackles hadn't attracted unwanted attention.

"Could you just stop?" I couldn't help the sass. It just flew out. "I'm sorry. If it was you, I'd probably be rolling. Two guys huh?"

"On your first day," Natasha began to settle, wiping under her eyes as she leaned back, trying to steady herself. "Bucky hasn't said anything to me, but it's in his actions. He actually laughs, he doesn't do that. And Steve met you once and came running asking if you were dating anyone."

"That doesn't happen to me," I say, shaking my head softly. "I just met them and I want to jump their bones- both of them."

"Do it," she shrugged her shoulders, her face finally relaxed. "I mean, we're all adults and in this line of work- can we really afford relationships?"

I smiled, liking the fact that she was on board with me jumping both men's bones. Who would I go with first, though? Steve's audibly asking if I'm single but not making any physical moves while Bucky stays quiet but...

I mean, the man made me food.

For someone who loves food as much as I do, cooking for me is a sure-fire way to get into my pants. And I'm not even sorry.

"How would I even go about that?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, waiting for Natasha to get her shit straight and stop laughing for a damn minute.

"You... You really are gonna go through with it." It came out more like a statement than a question. "Well, who do you wanna hook up with first?"

"Bucky, for sure," I said with a little mischievous giggle but choked on my own soul when the devil himself came into the room.

"Bucky, what?" he asked as he stood across from me, leaning back on the counter.

"I gotta go," Natasha said and bolted out of the room only to look back at me with a shit-eating grin across her face.

That bitch.

Then, I looked up at Bucky and he grinned at me and gave me that little wink that just makes my nether regions quiver with lust.

Lets just say I've never really done the one night stands and hooking up. I like to think in my head that I can be a little miss vixen but in reality. I shut down like a government building on a federal holiday. I've only had like two boyfriends my entire twenty seven years of life and though they weren't long term because of my choice in business affairs, I'm fairly unfamiliar.

But I'm a quick learner.

A/N please vote so I know if anyone likes this story! I really do appreciate it!

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