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IN WHICH,Two disturbed souls meet each other when their town is in a mess of secrets

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Two disturbed souls meet each other when their town is in a mess of secrets.


They realize that everything around them is much more serious than they thought.

IN WHICH,They realize that everything around them is much more serious than they thought

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Portrayed by Alex FitzalanCoop Ryan — The Asshole Kook"I see you think your opinion matters to me

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Portrayed by Alex Fitzalan
Coop Ryan — The Asshole Kook
"I see you think your opinion matters to me."


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Portrayed by Zendaya ColemanLu Ali — The Shut In Pogue"I haven't talked to my friends in months, why would I want to even look at you?"

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Portrayed by Zendaya Coleman
Lu Ali — The Shut In Pogue
"I haven't talked to my friends in months, why would I want to even look at you?"

Coco Jones as Chanel Brown
Christopher Brinley as Clayton Hampton
Evan Mock as Jay Feliciano
Regina Hall as Crystal Danes

TWO GROUPS, BOTH ALIKE IN DIGNITY. (In the sunny Outer Banks, where we lay our scene). The grudge between the two groups seemed to go back in time forever. This old grudge, causes new feuds, fights, and secrets alike. The once clean slates of these children, become tainted because of a rivalry not of their own making.

Two teens, who in another world might have found each other, and lived happy, become each others demise because of the secrets they are forced to keep. In the end, their misfortune might be what the Kooks and Pogues need to finally come together. Will these ill-fated lovers ever stand a chance?

In other words, Cooper Ryan, is careless, and reckless kook who finds anything that gives him an adrenaline rush. He surfs in storms, goes to the wrong side of town to see what Pogue decides to mess with him, takes drugs to feel on top of the world. He knows he could die but, he doesn't care.

Until he meets her.

Luce Ali couldn't take the constant pressure of being everyone's savior and turned to drugs to cope. To her dismay, she began to act just like her parents, and even though she wanted to stop, the temporary happiness she got from a drug was much too rewarding. She turned away from those she loved, choosing this habit of hers, over them.

To the outside world, they were completely different, but, if you looked close enough, you would see they couldn't be anymore similar.

This is just a little disclaimer, I am in no way trying to romanticize couples on drugs. I just want to shed light on the fact that couples in these situations tend to become codependent and make things even worse.

I am personally familiar with many drug addicts, and in addition to that, I will be doing research to make what they are going through as realistic as possible to show what people really go through. However, if that might be triggering for you, please try not to read for the sake of keeping your mental health in tact.

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