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The plug

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The plug

  IT WAS THE LAST WEEK OF SUMMER AND THE AIR was incredibly tense in Kildaire Island. Wherever you looked, people were solemn, and watchful, everyone in their own way mourning or taking in the death of their beloved Sheriff. Luce noticed it all around her, even as she walked with her head down, and hands in her pockets.

Beads of sweat poured down her forehead and she raised her arms to release the built up sweat in her armpits. It was hard for the teen girl to remember the last time she had gotten a full eight hours rest, and as she headed towards Barry's, she knew this would be another sleepless night laying in the grass outside her house. If any of her friends had seen her, they wouldn't be able to recognize the Ali girl at all.

Her hair was frizzed and without any product, which was unusual for her unless she was in a bad place, her hair being a mood ring of sorts. The bags under her eyes hung low, and carried each one of her secrets close to her, and her all around disheveled appearance would be concerning to those who knew her. To the eyes of a stranger, she was just another stupid teen girl who had decided to wear a hoodie in summer.

Luce shook sand from her crocs as she approached Barry's trailer, careful not to bring it into his house. She banged on the door, and within a few seconds, he swung it open and wore a smile on his face when he seen who was on the other side. The Ali girl kept her hands buried in her pockets, swaying back and forth.

"Back already?" Barry questioned with a raised brow. "Where you getting all this money from, little bird?"

"Doesn't matter as long as it goes into your pocket, right?" Luce raised a brow and handed him a small wad of crushed up bills from her hoodie pocket. "I need more than last time, it's not lasting as long."

Barry nodded and took the cash with a small chuckle, retreating into his trailer with Luce not far behind, desperate for her next fix.

She began to bite on her fingernails eagerly, her body swaying back and forth. Since the summer began, and she started to distance herself from the rest of the Pogues, her habit had become worse and worse. It came to the point where, if she didn't have enough, Luce felt like she was dying.

"Knock, knock." Another voice entered the trailer, the Ali girl not bothering to look behind her, she didn't care about anyone else, just what she needed right here, right now. "How's my favorite drug dealer?"

"Favorite, I thought I was the only one, you cheating on me, Coop?" Barry asked with a grin as he placed Luce's drug of choice in her hands. "There ya go, little bird."

"No more than you cheating on me by selling to stuffy ass, Rafe." Cooper grinned, Luce standing awkwardly between the two men. She couldn't exactly just shove the Kook out of the way.

Barry's expression dropped and the air became tense at Rafe's name.

"You waiting for something." The dealer looked Luce in the eye and she quickly shook her head and wedged her way between the wall, and Coop the Kook.

She decided to get out of there as quick as possible, she had things to do, anyways.

Here's a short little prologue if Luce and Cooper kinda acknowledging each other for the first time, Ik it was boring but I want to dip my toes into writing these complex characters.

Thoughts on Luce thus far?

Hope you enjoyed!

Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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