Chapter 4 : Swinging Doors

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I played with the loose curls in my long, shiny brown hair as I watched the customers file in the store.

The sun was blazing through the windows, casting a rainbow - glare on the symbols of the drum kit infront of me.

I started to organize the guitar picks, and straps by brand and price.

The music store was usually a quiet and calming place.

But like any other shop, we had our fair share of roudy and trouble - causing customers. There had been one time when a middle aged, tall, built man had busted through the doors and had swung an expensive guitar off the display, and threatened to kill me if I had tried to stop him.

That incident had left me scarred, and beyond petrified to come back to work. I had stayed with my mother, back home for two weeks, scared to be back on my own in my apartment.

Since then, I had been back at work for nearly a year and a half, and luckily I hadn't dealt with any troubling customers other than the ones that couldn't decide on wether they should buy a red gutiar or blue one.

The door bell attached to the glass doors rang, pulling me out of my trance.

That was my clue to say the sentence I had said so many times, that it was memorized.

"Welcome to Randy's Gutiar Shop, can I help you find anything today?" I had blurted the sentence out before I had time took up and see who was in.

From behind the counter, I fixed my uniform that had become crunched at the waist from sitting down, mailing the stores files and bills to the manager.

As I looked up to greet the customer, I stopped in my tracks, shocked.

Before me stood Michael, with a black leather jacket, a white and black designed shirt, black skinny jeans and his black sunglasses shading his eyes.

"Hey," I breathed out, still shocked that he was infront of me.

"How are ya babe?" His words making my heart flutter.

My mouth felt dry, and my palms stated to sweat.

Michael had this thing on me, as if I would be castes under his spell with any words he said.

I hadn't talked to, or seen him since last week when I, ever so bravely, trusting nearly a stranger, went to his apartment and met up with him and his mates.

"I'm good.. I'm good, how are you?" I had managed to speak the sentence without sturring, or misplacing my words.

"So,." Michael trailed off, casually leaning against the counter and crossing over his arms.

"Wait, how did you know I worked here?" I asked, willingly waiting for an answer.

"It's amazing what you can find on the Internet." He replied in a wild tone, following with a wink from his right eye.

He smirked, his eyes traveled my body, as he took a step closer to me.

His fimilair scented cologne flowed through the air with each step he took. He was now standing within inches away from me, leaving me frozen.

His arm swung around my waist, making me jump in shock.

"Woah, it's okay," he reassured me. my body relaxed as he pulled me into a side hug and rested his chin on my head.

"I guess you could say we are friends now, huh?" I questioned him of his act.

"Yes, defenitely!" His face lit up and he smiled, with his pearly whites on display.

With his arm loosely around me, he looked down to meet my gaze, while he gently pushed his sunglasses up to rest on his head.

His eyes sparkled, and he let his arm fall back to his side.

"What are your plans tonight, Love?" Michael asked.

Truthfully and honestly; I had no plans. I usually spent my evenings either at work, or, I would be home on the couch reading a book. I couldn't recall the last time I had Plans.

I had lived by myself in my apartment for two years, and I enjoyed it. I had freedom. I could play my music as loud as I wanted, set up the furniture the way I wanted, and love how I wanted.

My foot tapped against the floor lightly, a habit I had when I was in an awkward or thinking situation.

"I would say I'm anything but busy," I lightly chuckled, revealing that I didn't have an over the top, exciting life.

"Well, you got plans now." He assured me with a smile plastered on his face. "Tonight, me and my mates are heading to the beach for most of the night, and we'll have a blast!" Michael's excitement was obvious, as he was nearly begging and pleading for me to join him and his friends.

Michael figedted with his hands as he stood infront of me, waiting for a reply.

"I, uh...." I was stuttering off. I wanted to say no, but inside I wanted to go. The weight of anxiety was pulling and tugging with its might to convince me to say 'no', but I couldn't let it win.

Finally, I nodded my head with a smile at Michael. His face grew wide with a smile as he pulled me in for a hug, taking me by surprise.

His arms were now wrapped around my back, with his head resting on the crook of my neck.

I claspe my hands around his back and hugged him in return. His scent was a fresh, minty smell that reminded me of summer nights, with the fresh dew laying upon the grass strands and the moist air.

He pulled out of the hug, unclamping his arms and my embrace. His eyes met with mine as I slightly looked up to meet his view.

Michael stood a good few inches above me. I only made the height of his jaw, giving him a slighter advantage.

"It's going to be so much fun. Luke is going to bring his guitar, as well as I. Ashton and calum will make and buy some snacks, and I will be in charge of drinks." He finished his sentence with a smirk. "Also," he continued on, "I'll be bringing blankets and pillows in case we get tired."

Before I could start to second guess the whole idea, Michael gave me a slight nod and left with the words, "text you in a bit" before he was gone and out the door.

The day was alarmist over by this point, and it was nearly time for me to close up for the night.

I fixe the guitars that hung on the wall, so they were all in a perfect line. My fingers grazed over the body of the beautiful gutiar that was hanging infront of me. The strings were a light gold, and the body and neck was an emerald green shade. The light bounced off of it at every angle, giving off its shininess.

While in the middle of examining the instrument, my phone went off. It was 5:30 pm, which meant I finished up work for the night.

I gathered up all the loose papers on the front desk, and neatly piled them before I reached for me keys in my pocket.

At the door, I flicked down the lights, and stepped out of the door , following with the bell dinging.

Once I had locked the store doors, and double checked that I had the store locked and set for the morning; I pulled my sweater closer to my body while I walked to my car in the lot.

The sun was getting lower in the sky by the hour, and the light pink and orange colours were painted in the sky from the sun.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the keys to my car, as I hopped in, ready to get home before this night of craziness begun.


so that's this chapter! It has 1.3k words, which I will be making all the chapters with 1k+ words so they're a lot longer!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I enjoyed writing it :)

Next chapter things will be getting into gear!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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