Chapter Four

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"So... Can I introduce myself?"

Stefani recalled that the doctor called him Bradley a few hours earlier. Maybe that was his name. She frowned.

Stefani didn't want to be with him. He was probably just watching over her. He wouldn't stop her from having fun. Stefani would enjoy that night just like everyone else.

"Instead of introducing yourself, just go and leave me alone."

Stefani answered, clearly annoyed by the situation, making Bradley wide open his eyes, surprised by the words. "I don't want company. I was good when I was alone."

"If you were a little more polite, I'd tell you who I am. But you know what?" Bradley said, also annoyed. "I am going to tell you, even if you don't want. I took you out of the seat this morning. I saved your life."

"If you want me to be grateful, you're wasting your time... Sir!" Stefani called for the barman, tapping on the counter to call his attention. "Another tequila, please. Otherwise, I am going somewhere else."

Bradley was surprised by the way she was acting. She didn't even look like the fragile girl he had met a few hours earlier.

The barman stared at Bradley, who nodded. He couldn't just forbid him to serve her. After all, he barely knew that girl. If she wanted to get drunk, that was her problem.

The man gave her the little glass full of tequila, who was still annoyed. Bradley couldn't say any other word, but also, he couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful creature in front of him. He felt like hugging her, protecting her. He shook his head, trying to avoid those thoughts. Bradley never felt that way for anyone.

And Bradley was wrong if he thought that was another ordinary person. She would never be ordinary. And it was not because she couldn't see, but because of her personality. He couldn't explain, but there was some kind of strength that made her attract him. Those eyes, that face, that body... He tried to escape, but he couldn't.

Bradley smiled as he saw the face she made after drinking the tequila. "Hey, man! I want the same she is having," he ordered it, noticing that Stefani frowned. "Since you don't want my company, I'll have to stay here without saying a word."

"I don't think you want to waste the entire night with me," Stefani started saying. "Especially when I don't want you here. All I want is you to leave me in peace. All I want is peace. Only for today."

Bradley got a straight face, realizing she was serious. "Do you think I am watching over you?"

"If you are not, then why are you here?" Stefani had a sad smile on her face. "Because I am a fucking blind person," Bradley sighed. She was somewhat right about that. "I know people are sorry for me. I can't see, but I can feel it. But even my family feels that way. You are not the first. Won't be the last one."

Bradley gritted his teeth. The sadness in her face took his breath away. He was mad at himself for acting that way and hurting her. He didn't want to say anything that could hurt her even more. In fact, he didn't even know how to act around her.

"Well... Thank you for your company," he whispered after drinking the tequila and left her alone, without saying any other word.

For some reason, Stefani felt weird after hearing that. Why was she feeling so awful for kicking him out of there? Stefani took a deep breath, thinking that those emotions would pass soon. She asked for another tequila.

"Bradley," she mumbled.

If that was his name, he was not from the island. Maybe he was another American visiting it there, just like her. She shook her head, trying to not think of him. After all, he was just a man who saved her. He was the man who took care of her. He was the man who sent her a meal and paid dinner for her family.

John was right when he said she was obsessed with her condition and would never let anyone approach her, closing opportunities ahead of her. She would always think anyone would try talking to her because they felt sorry.

But people didn't know how hard it was to come to the conclusion that her life wasn't worth it. People didn't know how hard was it to dream about darkness every night. Especially when she was able to see the sunlight once. People didn't know how hard was it to live with parents who blamed themselves for bringing a blind person into the world. Most people didn't know how hard was it to relearn living. Most people would never know how hard it was hoping that someday her parents would be proud of them one day, just the way they were.

Stefani had to thank her cousin every day for all that he taught her and for being so patient. Now John was upset and didn't even talk to her during dinner. She promised him she would never do it again, but she failed.

She drank the tequila the barman gave her while thinking about how bad she treated Bradley. He didn't do anything but save her. Stefani was upset for behaving so rudely towards him. Her parents were never affectionate around her, but John always told her to be gentle to people, especially with people who were gentle to her. And Bradley was gentle to her, after all. She bit her lower lip, feeling guilty as he just wanted to make sure that she was doing fine.

"Ma'am," Stefani heard the barman's voice. "Do you need anything else? Something to eat, maybe?"

"Yeah! I want to eat something. Is there any menu written in braille?"

"I am afraid we don't have it," the man was clearly embarrassed and confused at the way the girl smiled at the information like she knew there wasn't a menu for blind people. "But I can recommend my favorite fish... It is a salmon served with vegetables and rice."

"Sure! I'll go for it."

"Do you want another drink?"

"Just a water, please. I like the type of music that is playing. Are all nights like that?"

"Yeah! On Saturdays. There are always three bands playing for those who like to dance until the sunrise."

Stefani talked more to the barman while he would stare all the time at Bradley, who was sitting a few benches away from Stefani. Bradley asked him to entertain her while she was there and make sure she wouldn't drink too much. He was glad to watch Stefani interacting with the man. Bradley was surprised at the way the barman laughed at Stefani's conversations. It was clear that he was delighted by Stefani, just like Bradley.

And time passed.

Bradley realized that the liquor was making him relaxed. He looked around at the party, feeling the ladies' eyes on him.

But Bradley didn't want anyone to approach him, though. In fact, he didn't want to stop listening to Stefani and her laughter. It was nice to see her smiling.

"Oscar?" At that point, Stefani already knew the barman's name.

"Yes, ma'am..."

"Do you know the name of the man who talked to me earlier?"

"Yeah, I know him, ma'am. His name is Bradley."

"Please, just call me Stefani," she smiled. "Do you know if he is around?"

Bradley, who was listening to the conversation, stared at her, surprised. Then he stared at Oscar, who smiled at him.

"He is around, yeah!"

"Ahh... I was rude to him," she said.

Oscar smiled. "Were you?"

"Yeah. I feel bad. I wish I could apologize."

Bradley smiled, feeling his heart beating faster. Only God knew how glad he was to hear that.

"Do you want me to look for him?"

"No!" Stefani smiled. "There's no need. He probably thinks I am an idiot after all I told him."

Bradley got up and decided to approach her once again. Noticing it, Oscar gave her an excuse to leave, making Bradley blink at him like he thanked the barman. He walked towards Stefani, watching her sipping the water, then looked at her hair. How Bradley wanted to touch it so bad.

He swallowed and smiled. "So... It seems like your power of feeling one's presence fails sometimes?"

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