Chapter fifteen

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His chin dropped a little as he noticed her different looks. The shiny and bare legs, the loose and very short black lycra skirt, the black bra clearly outlined by the gray drag-along blouse. A silver snake-shaped bracelet wrapped around her right bicep and tricep. And the silver rings adorned her ears. But the hair and makeup... The hair was more voluminous than normal, wavy, but completely without curls. The strong makeup, green eyes, and glossy lips. She was a Goddess. A true Goddess. And she looked great next to Leo.

Bradley scowled and muttered a curse, getting up all at once, while pushing the chair with his calves, making it crackle in the sand. And with that, he drew everyone's attention to himself. His friends were wondering about Bradley's attitude. And they were even more surprised by the fact that he couldn't take his eyes off where Stefani and Leo were.

What did Stefani want with his best friend? What did Stefani want dressed like that? It drove him crazy. He was itching to scream with anger. Did she also want to use Leo like she did to him? He wouldn't allow Leo to touch her. No! She was his!

He walked away with long strides. And he admitted that he hated seeing how Leo got close to her to talk to her in her ear because of the loud music. He hated seeing how he lightly touched her shoulder, he hated seeing how Leo made her laugh the same way she laughed for him! He felt his head about to explode. He wanted to take Leo out of there with a punch. He wanted to scream at him. He wanted to tell everyone that she was his! That damned woman was his! He found her first, he got to know her first, he kissed her first... And yet, he still wanted her!

Leo looked at him sideways and gave a mocking laugh, as if saying: "This one is already in the game." Bradley glared at him with a look, while leaning on the bar.

"Get out of here."

Leo didn't understand very well and laughed out loud, talking again with Stefani, who had already heard Bradley's voice, and tensed up in her corner, gnashing her teeth. Bradley turned to Leo, with a sour face.

"Are you deaf? I already told you to get out of here!"

"But Bradley..." Leo put his hand on Stefani's hand and squeezed it, making Bradley even more furious to see how he leaned on her.

"I SAID TO GET OUT, DAMMIT!" he shouted in despair as he pounded on the bar.

Stefani almost jumped in surprise from Bradley's scream. Leo was furious with the scream and pushed his friend.

"Who do you think you are?! "Leoshouted. "You can be my friend, but no one... NO ONE tells me what to do! And if I want to stay, I will stay!"

"Oh, but you're not going to..." Bradley didn't finish the sentence and pushed Leo in the sand, while people formed a circle between them. And when Leo was getting up, Mark got in between the two of them, knowing that a fight would come out of it.

"He's drunk, Leo." forcing his arm against Leo, so he wouldn't get closer to Bradley. "It's not worth it, man. Forget it. You're friends, damn it!" he turned to Bradley, who was leaning on the bar, downing a glass of whiskey.

Mark managed to take Leo, who was devastated. Stefani was still in shock from everything. When she sensed the fight, she had already gotten up from her chair. Bradley was different. He didn't seem as sweet anymore. Since they left the beach early, Bradley had changed. She didn't like this. It was better for her to leave soon. She turned to the bar to ask for her sandals... And she felt like a male body leaned against her. She felt his hands holding her arms and felt a shiver down her spine as she felt his mouth slide over her ear. She wanted to turn and hug him like yesterday. But she couldn't.

"Why did you let all those men to touch you?" he whispered in her ear, trembling her from head to toe. "You still don't understand, Stefani? If it's not mine tonight, it won't be anyone else's."

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