Chapter Five

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"So... It seems like your power of feeling one's presence fails sometimes?"

Stefani lifted her eyebrows, feeling the goosebumps as soon as she heard his voice. They heard that a new band started playing, so Bradley touched her hand on the counter, pulling it closer to him. "Would you like to dance with me?"

Stefani took a deep breath, thinking that she could pass out anytime. No man ever invited her to dance. She could not help but gap, making Bradley look at her and assume that it caught her by surprise.

No word came from her mouth. Stefani didn't know what to answer; she only felt that her hand became warmer with his touch. It was a nice feeling. At that moment, all Stefani knew was that she wanted to dance with that stranger. That's all that she wanted: feeling like one ordinary girl who would enjoy all night. Bradley sighed in frustration, assuming that Stefani would say no.

"I am not a dancer," she had a smile on her face.

"I can guide you," Bradley said as he interlocked their fingers.

Stefani got up, making Bradley swallow, a little nervous but glad about what he was doing. He noticed the walking stick next to the bench where she was sitting and gave it to the barman, putting his arm around her shoulder while the other hand was still holding hers. He took her to the dance floor, and the band began playing another song.

Her hands were now on his shoulders while he put one hand on her waist, making Stefani feels shivers down her spine.

"I want to apologize in advance, just in case I step on your foot."

Bradley laughed loudly, making her smile. "Don't worry about it. I am going to teach you how to dance."

Stefani got the goosebumps again, feeling how he said it so close to her ear. She took a deep breath, moving with him.

"Slow down! Just listen to the song, and I lead you."

Stefani nodded and allowed him to guide her. It was like she was floating. Like she was born to live that moment with him. But at the same time, she felt weird. Stefani had never been so close to a man other than her cousin and father. She could feel Bradley breathing on her hair and sometimes on her neck. It was like Stefani was drunk at how good he smelled. The mix of soap and perfume delighted her. Stefani couldn't even explain what she felt, but it was good. Bradley wasn't treating her like a blind person or a fragile girl. He was treating her like a woman. She wanted to hug him, but instead, she smiled. Finally, someone made her feel that way.

"See! We are doing fine, don't you think?"

"Yes," Stefani answered, and Bradley noticed how nervous she was.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me."

"I am not."

"I don't want short answers anymore."

Stefani laughed, feeling how his hand on her waist moved up to her back, making her heart speed. And Bradley felt as nervous as her. He never felt that way around anyone. It was all new for him as well.

"Do your parents know you are here?"

"No! Do you think they would let me come here?"

Bradley laughed at her answer. "I am afraid they wouldn't," He answered, imagining her sneaking out of her bedroom. "Didn't they notice?"

"No, thanks to the the champagne that came with the dinner you paid us earlier."

"So, you know who I am after all."

"Yes! You told me you were the guy who saved me, didn't you?"

"It was me."

"So, it is the same person who paid for our dinner."

Bradley moved his neck to stare at her, thinking she was annoyed, but she was actually smiling. "Did you enjoy the dinner?"

"Oh, yeah! It was amazing. Thank you!"

"No problem. But how did you escape?"

"I waited for my parents to sleep. They were snoring loud. I just grabbed my walking stick and came walking. It was not a big deal."

"Do you always do it? I mean... It seems like you know this place very well."

"True. There's always someone with me. But I am a fast learner. I know how to go to places by myself."

"And what if your parents find out that you are here?"

"They are going to be pissed off."

Bradley smiled. "I don't want it to happen."

"I just want to be here. It's not the first time I have done it. My parents barely know what I can do by myself," she sighed.

"They don't?"

"Of course not! Where do you think I feel free? Inside my room? They always give me new stuff, like tablets and shit. They are cool sometimes, but I feel suffocating.

"Sometimes I feel this way too. But it's not the same. It's been two years since I didn't take a break from work. My dad got sick, and I had to lead his business. And people think I am not good as him," he put both hands on her waist. "Not that I care, but I work 14 hours seven days a week, so I don't fail my dad. I just want him to be proud."

"I am sure he is proud of you, Bradley." He frowned; he didn't know how she knew his name as he never told her. "He knows the effort you do for him. I am not so experienced, but your dad can't be bad at the point of not seeing all you are doing to keep his business working. I don't know how old you are, but by your voice, I can say you are not older than 40."

He smiled. "I am actually 35." Stefani also smiled, realizing they were both around the same age. "I am afraid of you," Bradley said that and she giggled.

"Afraid of me? Why?"

"Can I be honest?"

Stefani remained in silence for a moment, while Bradley regretted saying it. "Yes. Tell me."

"I understand that is hard for you, feeling like everyone feels pity for you," he made a pause and sighed. "I was disappointed when they told me that you are..."


"Yeah! And I am sorry. I never met anyone like you and I feel like an idiot. If I found you interesting after listening all your insults towards me," he smiled as he said that. "Now, I realized that besides pretty, you are very intelligent and sensitive. Honestly, I wish this night won't end so fast. I am having fun like I never had in a long time," he leaned towards her to give Stefani a hug. "That's thank to you."

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