Chapter seven

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Stefani was a great dance partner and a fast learner, and whenever she made a mistake, they would both laugh. Realizing that Stefani was tired of dancing, Bradley took her back to the bar as Oscar served each one a drink. Stefani was amazing. She didn't even seem to be the same woman who tried to end her life hours earlier. Stefani was happy and smiling. And she was like that because of him.

Time passed, and after a few kisses, talking, and drinks, they danced until the sun showed up. Bradley opened his eyes, realizing it was time to close the bar. There was no one there besides them and the staff.

"I think we should go, Stef..." She moved away from him, frowning.


"Because there's no one left here."

"Ok. Let's go."

Bradley put both hands on her shoulders, realizing she was a little dizzy due to all liquor she had. "Are you ok?" He asked her.

"Not really. No."

"I feel the same way," they laughed, but on the inside, Bradley felt guilty for drinking so much that night and not being able to take care of Stefani properly. Oscar gave Stefani her walking stick, and they began walking back to the hotel. When they arrived there, Bradley guided her to the elevator. Once the elevator door closed behind them, Bradley hugged her as he kissed her lips once again.

"I wish I could be with you," he whispered.

"Me too," she whispered.

"Damn... I don't want to leave you."

"Then, don't leave me."

Bradley took a deep breath. "I can't."


"Because I don't want to mess with your feelings. I think it is better if I don't see you anymore. You don't know me, Stef. And there's no way that what we did this night was right."

The silence was the worst answer she could ever give him. What was she thinking? Bradley had never felt that confused before. The door opened when they arrived at her floor, and Stefani prepared to leave it, but Bradley stopped her as soon as she stepped forward. His chest hit her back while he bowed to kiss her neck.

"I don't want you to be mad at me."

"And I want you to decide. Do you want me to go, or do you want me to stay? There are only two options."

"I want you to stay. I feel like I am the worst person in the world. But I want you to go with me."

"Then I'll go with you, but on one condition."

Stefani said that, making Bradley frown.

"What is it?"

"I want you to forget that... I am blind. Don't think of me as the blind woman you met. At this moment, I want to be a... woman."

Bradley remained in silence and pressed the button to his floor, not even thinking about the consequences that decision could lead to. He shook his head after picturing himself kissing her body. He couldn't try anything towards her. No! Definitely, no!

"I feel alive, Bradley! It's been a while since I felt this way. I wish I could feel it longer."

Bradley hugged her from behind, happy that they felt the same way. "We can do whatever you want," he told her.

They didn't say anything else as they left the elevator. Bradley guided her to his room while he looked for the card. He sighed when they stood in front of the door, and he opened it, giving Stefani space to go inside.

Bradley closed the door and watched Stefani trying to recognize the place with the walking stick. He passed by her, took his shirt off, and then threw it on the couch. 

"Do you want some water? Something to eat? Listen to music?"

Stefani didn't answer. Instead, she walked to the door that led to the balcony.

"Come here."

Bradley walked, standing behind her to admire the view. It was beautiful. The sun greeted them, telling them they would have a great day ahead. He put his hand on her shoulder, gently caressing it.

"Tell me what you see," she asked him as she closed her eyes, feeling the wind touching her face as her hair flying.

"I see the ocean... And the sunrise. The sky looks red and orange. There are a few clouds."

"Do you know what I see?" Stefani asked him.

"What?" Bradley frowned;

"Nothing at all," she smiled.

"That's not funny," he laughed.

"Tell me... Are we on the top floor?"


"I noticed this is a huge room."

At that moment, Stefani realized that Bradley was actually a very wealthy guy... He had way more money than her family for sure. But Stefani didn't care about his money, where Bradley came from, or where he would go. She was aware they could not get attached. Stefani knew that no normal man would ever fall for her. Especially a man like Bradley, who was rich and probably very handsome. He could have any woman he wished for. Stefani knew she couldn't fantasize about that. They met each other because they had to. But the next day, they would follow their paths. For now, Stefani would only spend that time with him and enjoy his presence.

"Caribbean islands? That's fancy! I hope you find a nice guy to spend time there."

Stefani smiled as she remembered what her best friend had told her. Julie was also blind, and they studied together. Unlike Stefani, Julie was free and could go wherever she wanted; she even had a boyfriend and would tell Stefani everything about them. And, of course, Julie would always describe the moments when they sleept together. She would always tell how amazing she felt when they were both close to each other and that Stefani would feel the same eventually. Stefani was feeling the same way as Julie told her at that moment.

Stefani never had a man as close to her as Bradley was. And now that they were together, she wanted to be with him. Feel him.

"Come on... You must be tired. Let's go to bed and have some sleep," Bradley told her.

Stefani didn't even realize that she had her head resting on his chest, and her eyes were still closing. Bradley led her to his bed and pulled the duvet so she could sit. She took her shoes off, thinking she was on that same bed earlier. Bradley didn't help her. Instead, he only stared at her. She found it weird that he didn't sit next to her.

"What if your parents find out that you are here?"

"They won't," she smiled, feeling that he approached her. Stefani grabbed one of his hands and made him touch her lips. "They know I go for a walk sometimes. I have done it everyday." Bradley caressed her cheek.

"But do they know you go out at night?"

"No," she shyly laughed.

"Are you aware this is dangerous? What if you cross by a creep? A serial killer?" Stefani laughed loud as he helped her to lye in bed. "I enjoyed spending the night with you."

"So did I."

Stefani tapped the bed, looking for his arm, and when she found it, Stefani pulled him. "What are you doing?" He asked as she pulled him even closer to her. She didn't answer. Stefani sat back on the bed and put her hands on his face.

"I want to kiss you."

"A goodnight kiss?"


Stefani smiled, but she wanted more than that.

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