Chapter eight

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Stefani tapped the bed, looking for his arm, and when she found it, Stefani pulled him. 

"What are you doing?" He asked as she pulled him even closer to her. She didn't answer. 

Stefani sat back on the bed and put her hands on his face. "I want to kiss you."

"A goodnight kiss?"


Stefani smiled, but she wanted more than that.

Bradley placed both hands on the bed, getting closer to her. Stefani, who had her hands on his shoulders, sighed when she realized he wasn't wearing any shirt. That didn't scare her, though. She wanted to be with him that night, and there would be no regrets. Stefani would only enjoy that opportunity, perhaps, the only one she would have.

She sighed when his lips touched hers, gently kissing them. Stefani put her hand on his neck, pulling Bradley against her while she opened her mouth a little, allowing his tongue inside it. The other hand was now on his chest.

Bradley gasped while feeling her hands on his skin. Her touches were dangerous, and those were making him hard. He wanted to be on the top of her, take out her clothes, and Stefani didn't even realize that. On the other hand, Bradley knew it would be wrong. Stefani wasn't sober enough. What if she regretted it the other day? Stefani didn't deserve it. She had to be with someone special.

Bradley moved away from her and left the bed, making Stefani confused. She didn't understand why he stopped kissing her. Taking a deep breath, all Stefani could possibly think was that he didn't like her kisses. Or maybe, he didn't want to kiss her anymore because she was blind. That second thought hurt her even more.

Stefani was mad at herself. How stupid she was to think that a man like him would treat her like any other girl. A normal girl. She couldn't explain why being rejected by him hurt so much. She barely knew him, anyway. And Bradley left with an expression of anger on his face.

He served himself some whiskey and drank it in one sip. He wanted Stefani... More than anything. Bradley wanted to tangle his fingers in her hair, feel them as he buried his face in her neck, gently kissing it. He held tight the glass in his hand. "I am too drunk," he whispered to himself. The liquor made him have all those thoughts. It was messing with his head and his hormones. Bradley wasn't that type of man. He couldn't do that to Stefani.

Bradley realized how blurry his vision was. He was also dizzy. Then he yawned as he went back to the bedroom. Bradley saw Stefani lying in bed and decided to approach her.

"You are a special woman," he began saying as he sat next to her. "I wish I... I wish I could..." Bradley grabbed her hand, kissing the top of it, noticing that she opened her eyes.

Stefani was almost asleep when he sat next to her. She sighed, feeling his lips on her hand. And Bradley was staring right in her eyes. It was like e couldn't stop looking at them. Bradley knew that everytime he looked at someone's eyes, he would compare them to hers. He didn't even realize he lifted his hand to caress her face. Bradley barely remembered sitting next to her. They could feel each other breathing and their noses touching. Bradley felt his heart beating faster and faster. He placed his hand on her cheek while observed every inch of her face. Then, Bradley closed his eyes, smelling her skin. He touched her ear, sliding his fingers to find her hair, and grabbed a lock of them, bringing it close to his nose. Bradley couldn't wait any longer.

They kissed, slow and soft, like they had all the time in the world. Bradley allowed her hands to explore his body as Stefani allowed herself to feel his skin and all those new sensations. When she realized Bradley was on the top of her. She couldn't give up now.

Stefani put both hands around him, kissing his lips softly. It was like her heart would explode anytime soon. And it was nice to feel him so close to her as she explored his skin, back, shoulders, chest... It was nice to finally explore a man's body. Her hands slid around his back as his fingers touched her sides, up and down. Sometimes she would feel his thumbs on her breasts.

Bradley pressed his hips against hers, wanting to feel more of her. His hands began to squeeze her tights, lifting the dress she was wearing. He noticed that she frowned, and he sat back on the bed, making Stefani confused once again... And feeling rejected.

But Bradley pulled her by the hand, making her stay on her knees on the bed. She took a deep breath as he hugged her, also on his knees. He smiled, and Stefani could hear it. She swallowed when she realized that Bradley was hard.

Bradley touched her breasts. Stefani barely breath as she felt his fingers caressing her nipples. He began unzipping her dress while her hands slid down his back. Bradley took a deep breath when he finished taking her dress off.

He stared at her breasts for a while, delighted by the view. Then, he stared at her face. She was beautiful.

Stefani closed her eyes when Bradley started removing her panties. For a moment, Stefani was glad that she couldn't see him. Stefani was a little embarrassed. "What if he finds me disgusting?" she pondered. But Bradley could see her, and he would never think that about her.

Stefani noticed that Bradley held his breath, and she moaned in surprise when he pushed her gently against the bed while their lips touched.

"You are amazing," Bradley said while kissing her and squeezing one of her breasts. "Perfect."

Stefani couldn't help but smile, rejoiced by his words. She held his face with both hands and kissed him deeply. She was a little nervous, realizing she was completely naked under a man.

Stefani felt that he rolled over her and got up. "Bradley!?"

"Hang on," Bradley could barely answer her, heavily breathing while looking for a condom in the drawers.

Stefani sighed, but she didn't have time to be upset because he came fast, lying in bed next to her again, pulling the girl closer. Bradley was on the top of her again, and Stefani got nervous when she felt his lips caressing her breasts. She groaned while he spread her legs, placing himself between them. At that moment, Stefani was scared. Stefani was afraid of the pain. She tangled his hair on her fingers as she closed her eyes.

Realizing that Stefani was trembling, Bradley gently kissed her lips. She wasn't relaxed enough yet. He slid his hands around her legs, spreading them more. His lips were now on her ear, biting her ear lobe. She could barely breath, feeling him caressing where no one ever touched. And Stefani was so focused on the pain she could sense that she was not prepared for all the great feelings he was giving her. She bit her lips, throwing her head back. And Bradley smiled as he felt how his fingers were wet. Knowing that she was as randy as him made him dizzy. Bradley's member was throbbing, but he knew he had to be patient around her.

It was not hard to find out where she liked to be touched, and when Bradley noticed that she was moving her hips, he knew she was ready.

Stefani gasped, frustrated that he suddenly stopped touching her. She was desperate to feel that again.

"Stef..." She heard him. "I can't wait any longer. You want me to stop?"

Stefani shook her head, both heavily breathing. "I want you," she pulled him against her. "Please, don't stop." She only had time to sigh before he went inside her, making her yell. Bradley stopped as soon as he heard her, but she moved her body against him, and he understood what she meant. Bradey caressed her cheeks, leaning himself to touch her lips with his as she arched her back, making him go all inside her. He began moving while she caressed his neck. Both moaned at the same time.

After that first uncomfort, Bradley began moving faster. She slid her lips down his neck, feeling his lips caressing her shoulder. Quickly he glid it down her breasts. It was so intense that they couldn't curb.

"Stef," he whisperd, feeling that he was close. Bradley grunted as he fell all over her. He closed his eyes as he rolled, moving next to her in bed. He pulled her close to him and cuddled her. They could feel the cold wind against their skins. Stefani rested her head on his shoulders, and he wrapped her tiny body with his arms. He took a deep breath, feeling sleepy. And Stefani was still breathing fast, trying to fall asleep with him. Both didn't want to remember that moment would end soon.

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