Chapter Fifteen

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"I would like that...but what are the doctors saying about Harry?" Draco frowned. "There isn't much to say, they just have to be sure his temperature keeps down and the medicine works to fight off the infection. They agreed to let you keep by his side, in hopes that keeps him form fighting them so much. You can tell he isn't himself, because he isn't fight right now. Give it time, and he will fight, unfortunately." Sirius said and Draco slowly nodded. "Is there anything that can help... prevent it?" Draco asked. "Not with him in public school. It

Was one of the reasons we fought so long to keep him homeschooled, but with me going back and forth, he still got sick. So, he made a point to point out it wasn't helping as much as we thought it would. So, we lost. I don't think there is a way to prevent him form ever getting sick, unfortunately. We just have to be careful and be sure if we know of sickness, to keep it away form Harry." Sirius said, as they walked to the hospital door, a doctor was waiting outside the door. "Is this, Draco?" He

Spoke and Sirius nodded. "Draco here, is still on medical leave form school because of an accident. So, he is able to stay with Harry. I would allow the closeness if he requests. If you hope to keep Harry the full time needed." Sirius said and after a moment, the doctor nodded. "Very well. I can take him back, Mr. Black. When are you coming again?" He asked and Sirius shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't say too long, but there are things we must attend to." Sirius said and the doctor nodded. "Follow me, Draco." Spoke the doctor, and Draco

Closely followed the doctor inside the hospital room. "Seeing how your leg is broke, I will arrange another hospital bed for you to rest in." The doctor spoke. " don't have to go out of your way. I can make do with whatever." Draco said, kind of softly. "It's no trouble, Draco. Let us know if you or him need anything."
Harry spent nearly a week in the hospital, overcoming his illness. It wasn't easy, and his temperature got high a couple times. It gave them all a scare, but Harry was doing much better. To the point, he was

Ready to walk out of that hospital. It was a daily fight, one the doctors were starting to loose with Harry starting to feel like himself again. Draco was also getting annoyed with how whinny Harry was getting. Draco wouldn't let it show to Harry, but ever single chance got go, he let Remus or Sirius know, just how much Harry was whinnying. The doctors finally agreed to send Harry home, after Harry ripped the IV out of his arm and was dressed by the time the nurse came into the hospital room. Harry agreed to sit and wait, but

He made it clear he was leaving. With or without proper permission. He was better, there wasn't a need for him to keep in the hospital, when it wasn't needed anymore. "Now Harry, that wasn't good." Remus said, walking into the hospital room. "I told you, yesterday, I wanted to go home! I'm better! I don't like it here!" Harry fussed and Remus let out a sigh. "Alright, alright. Let's go home you too." Remus said, throwing the keys to Draco. "...even...with Harry in the car?" Draco asked. "As long as I am in the sit beside you, yes.

You have to get your hours somehow." Remus said and Draco smiled. "Moony...can we get some ice cream?" Harry whispered form the back, unsure if that is something he should it. He really didn't want to be fat. "Of course!" Remus smiled and told Draco the directions to the ice cream parlor they used to take Harry to not so long ago. Draco smiled lightly, as they pulled into the parking lot. It had been such a long time since Draco, himself, had been able to have some ice cream. "I take it, you haven't been in a while?"

Remus asked. There was so much Draco wanted to say, but choice not to and just shook his head, no. Remus took the two boys inside and the three of them sat down at a booth. Harry was having trouble picking something, he had nearly change his mind about eating ice cream. "Harry, anything you want, don't worry about the cost." Remus said and Harry shrugged his shoulders, closing the menu. "I...changed my mind." Harry mumbled. "Harry, I know you didnt eat much while in the hospital." Remus pointed out. "Hospital food is gross." Harry said. "I'm not going

To disagree with that, but you wanted to come here. Don't fool yourself, Harry." Remus said. "It was a bad thought, Moony..." Harry mumbled. "Your getting a milkshake then." Remus said and Harry opened his mouth. "Unless your telling me what you want to eat, zip it." Remus said and Harry just closed his mouth. It took a little more convincing, but Harry soon sat drinking the milkshake as Draco was eating his Sunday. Draco was very much enjoying it. Remus nocited the child like smile of innocence, Draco had. He knew then, that boy might be having his very

Frist taste of ice cream. That upset him, but he wouldn't let it show for the two. He couldn't. "Aren't you going to get something?" Draco asked. "I can't really have much dairy, I never could. We often brought Harry here, and Sirius liked the little cheese cake slice they have here." Draco's eyes got real big. "I didn't see cheese cake!" He half whined and Remus chuckled. "We can order some. I'm going to take some back for Sirius." Remus said and Draco smiled. "Hey Remus, missing one." Said the waiter. "He's working. Can I get the usual take

Home, plus two?" Remus asked.

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