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"Yeojin! Hurry up!"

"I'm literally standing right next to you, dumb bitch."

Yeojin stood in the doorway, her arms crossed as she looked up at Beomgyu.

"Oh right. Hi bestie!" He exclaimed, pouncing on Yeojin to hug her. "I missed you!"

"We hung out last week." Yeojin replied, patting his back slightly.

Beomgyu scowled at the lack of affection that Yeojin was giving him and suddenly remembered Sunghoon. He was the one she was closest to now.

Beomgyu released from the hug, then made a small distance between them.

"Where do you wanna go?" He asked and Yeojin only shrugged.

"I already went out to eat and went shopping. What do you wanna do?"

Beomgyu thought for a second before an idea clicked in his head.

"An amusement park!"

He then started jumping and took Yeojin's hand, pulling her out of the apartment and closing the door for her before running off to his car with his hand still holding hers.

"Slow down!" Yeojin yelled, laughing a bit both in pain and excitement. Beomgyu did as she said and stopped running as he was also laughing.

"I'm not as athletic as it seems."

"Then let's take you to the gym instead."

"Do that and I'll slap you."

"How I missed those threats."

Beomgyu laughed at Yeojin's threats before taking her hand once again and started walking. To him, handholding was a habit as he was someone who adored to give affection. To Yeojin, it was slightly off but she didn't want to ruin the mood, so she held his hand as well, but the action didn't stop her mind from wondering about his own relationship.

"How are you and Lucy doing?" She asked and at that, she felt Beomgyu stiffen a bit as his hand squeezed hers a bit before he finally let it go.

"We're fine... I think. I like her a lot but I don't know how serious we're gonna be."

"What makes you say that?"

Beomgyu sighed as he leaned on the car, his entire back now laying on the hood.

"I give her more attention than she gives me, yet she goes on to complain that she wishes we could spend more time together. So then I offer so many dates but she rejects a lot because she has plans with her friends instead. We've had a total of like four dates and I really wanna spend more time with her but she just never can. Don't know how we're gonna keep doing if we do nothing to get closer."

"I wouldn't say it's her not wanting to give you attention but more of she's just busy? I know that when we lived together, she was always out and when she came back, she would apologize like crazy and hung out with me as well. Maybe she's trying to do that with you, too but maybe you're busy as well when she's not? Lucy's just popular somehow so she's always doing something, but if the lack of attention really bothers you, then I say talk to her about it. I think she'll listen. She really likes you, Beomgyu."

"I guess I'll talk to her about it. I just hope she doesn't get mad about me already complaining." He said and Yeojin just pat his shoulder. "By the way, how are you and lover boy doing?"

Yeojin laughed at the nickname Beomgyu gave Sunghoon. "Get in the car and I'll tell you. It's kinda chilly out here."

Beomgyu nodded and got off the car, then went to open the door for Yeojin. She smiled at him and sat inside before Beomgyu closed the door and made his way to the drivers side and immediately got in.

"My ass is freezing now. Stupid car." Beomgyu said as he switched on the seat warmers, then letting out a sigh of relief when he felt the warmth. Yeojin laughed at him, shaking her head at his actions. "Now speak."

"Him and I are doing really well. I honestly see us getting into the next step of our relationship. Maybe we'll finally be something official soon." Yeojin said, staring at the dashboard with a smile on her face. She recalled all of their dates, her mind remembering all of the smiles they shared and how much fun they always have.

Beomgyu looked over, then seeing that Yeojin was clearly very into the boy. She was so evidently into him and he admired it, but he couldn't tell who he admired more: Sunghoon for having Yeojin think of him like that or Yeojin for having someone to think so highly of... and he was pretty sure it was Sunghoon.

"That's cute. I'm glad you two are doing well." Beomgyu said, his hand traveling to her shoulder and rubbing it slightly.

Yeojin turned to Beomgyu and smiled yet again. "Thanks Beomgyu. Im glad you like him now."

Beomgyu felt an odd feeling inside of him when Yeojin smiled at him. It wasn't the first time he ever felt something odd, but it definitely was the first time it was ever prominent and extremely noticeable.

Beomgyu just stared blankly back at her as a blush crept up on his cheeks. Before Yeojin could notice it, he turned his face back to the front, then cleared his throat.

"Yeah no problem. Seems like a good guy." Beomgyu muttered as he removed his hand from her shoulder and placed them on the steering wheel instead. "You ready?"

Yeojin nodded and Beomgyu started the car, then driving off to the amusement park and swore to himself that he would make Yeojin's day ten times better than whatever Sunghoon made it feel like.

"Taehyun where the fuck are we going?"

"We're about to do some stalking dumbass."

"Then where is our third accomplice?"

"I'm here!"

"Then let's get back to this shit."

hi guysies im back!

please vote and comment <33 it really inspired me to actually write more :)

also i was watching the hangover while writing this so if there's any mistakes, that'll probably explain it LMFAO

how are you guys liking this by the way? Please let me know!

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