The hunt begins

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"Beast Form"

"Flash Back"




Any art that I use also belongs to their respective owners.

Forgot to mention, the prologue takes place about 6 years before the events of the manga, and this chapter takes place a few months before the events of the manga.


We open to a forest, on a semi warm spring morning. It is still quite early, as the sun has not risen yet. In the middle of this forest, is a clearing, big enough for a log cabin. It is a decent sized cabin, big enough for a family of four. To the side is a small garden with many vegetables that vary from nearly ripe enough to pick, to ready for picking. In the middle of it is a door, with windows on either side of it. There is also a swing on one of the trees closer to the cabin.

If we take a step inside the cabin, we can see a big room that is divided into a living room, dining room, and a kitchen. To the left is a door that leads to a room, but that is not our focus at the moment. In the living room, is a fireplace with a mantle. On the mantle are pictures of a family. However, in this faint light, we can't see who it is. To the right of the main area, is a small hallway that leads to another door, inside of which, is a bedroom.

In this room we can see a queen-sized bed that holds to lumps, that we can discern are people. On either side of the bed, is a small sight table that holds some books. The wall that faces the end of the bed has a door that leads to the main area of the house, and a closet big enough for the sleepers' clothes. On the wall to the right of the bed is a small window that is covered by curtains. On the right wall we see a marriage certificate that says:

"John and Loona Smith. Married in the year 1019" 

We now know that it is the Home of John and Loona, who have been married for five years. Now you may be wondering who John is. Well, it is just Hunter. When he and Loona had decided to begin a life together, Hunter had told her that he wanted to change his name as a way to signify a new life. She was ok with that, so he changed his name and made a new family name 

He did this as a way to show a new start. He had abandoned his old family name that he had originally, after he had failed his family. Thinking that he did not deserve to keep it, and thus the need for a new one.

The lump on the right begins to stir, and we see that it is Hunter, the newly named John. He smiles as he remembers the dream he had. He had been dreaming about when he first met his wife all those years ago. However, a more intrusive thought enters his mind. Fragments of memories, of a dream he had long ago. When he had that dream, it had felt real, almost too real. 

"Oh, don't worry. Whatever happens.... You may think it all a mere bad dream. Heh, heh heh heh."

He shakes his head to rid himself of those thoughts and sits up a little. He is only wearing a loose, white, sleeping shirt, and brown sleeping pants. He then notices a weight on his right arm. He looks over to see a humanoid wolf creature holding his arm close to her.

He smiles at the cute display of his sleeping wife. Not long after John and Loona had begun their adventure together, he had learned that she was a cuddler. Many a morning, he would wake up to either a woman sleeping on his arm or smothered in a sea of fluff. 

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