A Hunter Must Hunt: Trailer

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Any art, or videos,  that I use also belongs to their respective owners.


The black screen slowly opens on an old fashioned IV drip. Instead of a plastic bag is a glass container. Inside of it, there is a small metal cylinder, with a drop of blood barely hanging on. The bottom of the glass container is filled with a clear liquid of undeterminable origin. 

After a few seconds, we see the drop of blood fall into the liquid below. Once it hits the liquid, it begins to spread into a red cloud. 

The screen begins to slowly fade to black 


Isseen in white words on a black background.

As the black screen begins to light up, we see a sprawling city, with the full moon hanging high in the sky, partly obscured by clouds.

The camera slowly pans down into the cobble streets of the city below, as we hear the ringing of church bells. The streets are dimly lit by lamps that sit atop posts or hang on the nearby buildings. When the camera is closer to the ground, we see how filthy it is. It's covered in filth and trash, and in the middle of the path is an old-fashioned baby stroller.

 The screen fades into, then out of darkness. The scene has changed, and we see a guard in armor, carrying a small cylindrical lamp. The metal of his armor rubs together, making an unpleasant sound. The camera focuses on his feet, until he stops. As the camera pans up, the guard's head turns to look into the camera. There is a lamp behind his head, obscuring his face in shadow.

The screen fades in and out of darkness again, this time showing a group of guards as they shamble down the street in a group. In one hand, they hold a burning torch, and in the other, they carry their swords drawn. In this group, we can see the rear of a dog.

The scene changes to show the head of a drooling dog. Its skin seems to be peeling of slightly. It stops in its tracks as its head slowly lifts. The head slowly turns to look to the side of the camera, and we can see that its eyes are cloudy, and a milky white.

The screen fades in and out again, to show an alley way. Past the corner, we can see the shambling guards in the distance as they continue their search. In the alleyway, we see the corpse of a dog, with a giant saw blade in its head. The saw is attached to a handle, and we can see a hand gloved in black leather holding onto the handle.

The figure waits until the guards are far enough away, before dragging the dog's corpse away, off screen. 

The scene changes to an overhead shot, and we now can now see who is dragging the dog. It is a man clad in leather clothing. He wears a tricorn hat, that seems to flay out in the back to resemble a raven's wings, or a wolf's ears.

The figure slowly drags the dog a little deeper into the alley before stopping. The scene changes to show the figures hands holding the handle of his weapon. He begins to rip the saw blade from the head of the dog. As the blade is loosened from the dog's head, a small tendril of flesh is still attached. 

The screen fades in and out, and show the figure lifting his right hand, then bringing it down quickly. When he does this, the blade opens revealing that on the other side of the saw teeth is a smooth, curved, blade. Once fully opened, the weapon resembles a cleaver. The screen pans to the left, as the figure goes down another alley off screen. 

The screen fades in and out once more. We see the figure standing in front of a guard, as he swings the cleaver at an angle, starting with the guard's right shoulder. 

The scene changes and we see through some bars, as the figure straddles the guard, and plunges the extended blade into the guard's stomach. 

The scene changes again to show the figure as he impales another guard on his extended blade. The guard desperately tries to pull the blade from his stomach, but the figure clad in black is too strong.

The scene changes, and we see that the figure swung the blade, saw teeth down, into the helmetless head of a guard, splattering blood on the camera.

The screen goes dark for a second, before slowly brightening. We can see the corpses of many fallen guards, laying on the ground. In the back, we see the figure steadily walking towards a guard, that is trying to get back up. In the figure's left hand, is a custom shotgun, that is as long as his arm. As the figure gets close, he pushes the guard onto their back again with his foot.  

The scene cuts to the guard's uncovered head. The guard's face is filthy, and has a few bandages wrapped around his face and nose. The dark clad man shoves the barrel into the guard's temple. The guard growls at him, as his head is shoved to the ground. 

The camera zooms in on the guard's eye, and we can see that it is blood shot, and slightly yellow. The iris of his eye, has collapsed slightly, making the pupil looked bigger and misshapen. 

Before the figure pulls the trigger, the screen fades to black.

A name appears in white words on the black background. 

"A Hunter Must Hunt" 

We can faintly hear the church bells once again. 

The screen lightens only a little, as we see the figure through a cobblestone doorway, holding a torch in his right hand. The screen darkens, before we cut to the man using the torch to see roots growing from the ground of the dungeon he is exploring. He moves the torch around, to see more of his surroundings.

The screen fades, then shows the figure as he approaches a room filled with tall mettle candle holders. As he looks to the right, the camera cuts to the statue of a headless angel, holding a pot. Behind the statue, are more headless angels, holding their hands up to the sky.

The camera pans down, and we see a huge skull, with a large gash from the top of its head, down through its left eye, and stopping at the top set of teeth.

The screen fades in and out, changing to show the figure slowly reaching for the skull, with his left hand. The figure is too distracted to see the giant horned beast that is raising behind him. The beast is covered in coarse, mangy, and matted fur. It raises one of its hands, before slamming it down in the figure in black. 

As the hand is brought down on the man, the screen cuts to black.



thought it would be fun to do a little trailer of sorts for my story. 

until next chapter.


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