The First Few Months

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I am still alive. Sorry for the long wait, but thank you for being patient with me.



Any art that I use also belongs to their respective owners.

This chapter begins a few days after the chapter "The hunt begins." It also will show what John/Hunter have been up to between "The hunt begins" and "The Brown Haired Boy"


In one of the nicer parts of the capital, there is a mansion of the owner of a local trading company. The mansion has three stories with an attic and a basement. On the front of the mansion, on the third floor, there is a balcony with two big glass windows that displayed the inside of the room. 

The room in question is an office with a desk, shelves along the walls that were covered in a fine white wallpaper. The shelves were filled with pictures, books, and many other Knick knacks. Along one of the walls are the heads of many rare and extinct animals. The desk there is a swivel chair, covered in the finest leather that money can buy.  

There was a man sitting in the chair facing the glass doors, looking out to the city below and the forest on the horizon, holding a photograph in one of his hands, in his other hand was a half empty bottle of whiskey. His brown hair was disheveled, and his tie was loosened. He had also unbuttoned his collar. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and there were tear stains on his cheeks. The man's name was Sean.

 It had been a few days since Sean had sent those mercenaries to investigate that lead about the wolf woman. He looked down at the picture of himself when he was younger. In the picture, his younger self stood next to his father as they were showing of the deer they had killed. 

Sean took a deep swig from the whiskey and leaned back in his chair. It had been six years since that night. The night he had walked into his father's study and found his father being choked to death by that filthy mutt. His father had been beaten bloody.

 When that creature had seen him, it quickly dropped the body and jumped out the window. However, because Sean had been so focused on his father's body, he hadn't notice that second figure that had been hiding in the shadows and leaped out the window with the beast. 

Sean had run over to check on his father and found that some of his limbs had been torn off. All he could do was scream in agony. The guards had rushed in to see what the problem was, and nearly threw up at what they saw. Sean had been inconsolable for the next few days. 

This left Sean as the only living member of his family left, since his mother had only died a few months back from illness. Shortly after his father's funeral, he had been appointed as the new owner of the trading company. Many objected since he was only fifteen at the time, but he learned quickly how to be just as if not more ruthless than his competitors.

The now twenty one year old man looked down at the picture again.

"Soon father. Soon she will be dead, and I will get my revenge." He muttered to himself.

There was a knock at the door.

"Who is it!!!" Sean yelled, angry at being bothered.

"P-p-pardon the intrusion sir." Came the fearful voice of Sean's butler. "I just c-came to tell you that one of the men from t-the other day has returned. He says, "It is done." 

Sean was happy to hear this. 'Finally.' He thought.

Sean was too caught up in his thoughts to hear the door open, and a man step in. Sean took another heavy swig of his whiskey before turning to face the man. However, an arm stopped the chair before it could fully face the desk. In his surprise, Sean dropped the photograph and the whiskey. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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